Giorno: 2 Aprile 2020

Batterie al limone: come funzionano e quanto sono potenti?
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Batterie al limone: come funzionano e quanto sono potenti?

La realizzazione di batterie con strumenti che ci mette a disposizione la natura è un esperimento molto in voga, specialmente tra i più piccoli. L’utilizzo…

Firmware 2.0 #02 – AI
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Firmware 2.0 #02 – AI

E’ uscito il terzo numero di Firmware 2.0. Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Artificial Intelligence. All’interno troverete articoli tecnici su reti…

Contest Entry Features Multiple Operator Locations and Remote Transmitter-Receiver Site
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Contest Entry Features Multiple Operator Locations and Remote Transmitter-Receiver Site

Restrictions on gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic recently prompted a novel approach to multioperator/multi-transmitter operation. The WW2DX entry in the CQ World Wide WPX…

JTAlert 2.16.3 – Update – FT8 – FT4
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JTAlert 2.16.3 – Update – FT8 – FT4

*** Includes Callsign database file version 2020-03-30 (2020-March-30) Changes: – US State Scan: A popup warning that a new scan is needed will be shown…

RSGB contest committees launch ‘Hope QSO Party’
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RSGB contest committees launch ‘Hope QSO Party’

To help and support radio amateurs who are isolated at home and would appreciate contact with other people, the RSGB Contest Committees are launching a…

Ham Radio Test Online! – First Recorded Technician License Completion
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Ham Radio Test Online! – First Recorded Technician License Completion

Ham Radio Test Online – USA conducts first online ham radio exam – special thanks to W5YI for supporting this project. Antenna MomoBeam DUO 6…

Ham Radio Deluxe FT4 Release WMV
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Ham Radio Deluxe FT4 Release WMV

This video demonstrates the method for getting FT4 QSOs into Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook correctly, uploading them to LOTW, and downloading them from LOTW so…