Giorno: 17 Aprile 2020

Il radar nelle applicazioni meteorologiche
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Il radar nelle applicazioni meteorologiche

La temperatura e le precipitazioni meteorologiche svolgono un ruolo importante nelle attività umane. Possono però avere un impatto negativo sulle infrastrutture di trasporto e distruggere…

Floureon FC200 PMR446 Review
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Floureon FC200 PMR446 Review

Video:YouTube/The Mic with Mike We took a look at these fantastic little PMR446 radios back in 2018 when they first appeared so it’s great to…

ARRL Announces New Benefits for Members
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ARRL Announces New Benefits for Members

ARRL members will now receive digital access to four ARRL magazines beginning with their latest issues. Joining QST and On the Air magazines on a digital platform will be the bimonthly…

Remotely Administered Amateur Exam Systems Showing Promise
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Remotely Administered Amateur Exam Systems Showing Promise

Facing a growing demand for amateur radio exam sessions in a time of social distancing and stay-at-home orders, sponsors of some Volunteer Examiner (VE) tAeams…

Band Optimised Log Periodic Dipole Array 14MHz to 30MHz – by G0KSC
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Band Optimised Log Periodic Dipole Array 14MHz to 30MHz – by G0KSC

BOLPA-10 A Super Wide Band, High Performance Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) – 14MHz to 30MHz Optimised for all Ham Bands Just 7.7m long! All…