Giorno: 19 Aprile 2020

Standard dei dispositivi di protezione anti Covid-19: conoscerli per proteggersi in sicurezza
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Standard dei dispositivi di protezione anti Covid-19: conoscerli per proteggersi in sicurezza

A causa della pandemia da Covid-19 molte persone sono comprensibilmente preoccupate per la propria salute e sicurezza. Il tema della scelta delle mascherine è più…

Classic President Radios In Lockdown 2020
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Classic President Radios In Lockdown 2020

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Another very interesting video from Dave, M0OGY. This time he takes a look at some classic President CB Radios.

PMR446 UK National Event 19/04/2020
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PMR446 UK National Event 19/04/2020

One for the PMR guys and gals…. A special PMR event is planned for Sunday 19th April with stations all over the UK calling on…

Let’s talk about band scopes and identifying signals visually
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Let’s talk about band scopes and identifying signals visually

Review Survey of VHF/UHF FM or FM/Digital Radios April 15, 2020 No comments Read more Malahit-DSP & Afedri LAN-IQ “Head to Head” April 11, 2020…