Giorno: 22 Aprile 2020

Microcontrollori low power: come scegliere
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Microcontrollori low power: come scegliere

In questo articolo affronteremo delle considerazioni di base sui microcontrollori, volte a confrontare e scegliere tra i diversi modelli disponibili sul mercato. Il risparmio energetico è…

Contest University (CTU) 2020 will be Free and Online
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Contest University (CTU) 2020 will be Free and Online

Tim Duffy, K3LR, has announced that Contest University (CTU) USA 2020 will be held online via Zoom on Thursday May 14, starting at 1245 UTC….

Hams in India Provide Communication Assistance during COVID-19 Pandemic
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Hams in India Provide Communication Assistance during COVID-19 Pandemic

According to a report in The New Indian Express, amateur radio operators in Kerala state have joined the fight against COVID-19. The newspaper said the district administration has…

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The first geomagnetic storm of 2020 (category G1) took forecasters by surprise on April 20th when a CME hit Earth’s magnetic field, sparking bright auroras over Canada and…

Japan and 160m band
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Japan and 160m band

In JA, the following frequency ranges were permitted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications today (21 Apr. 2020) . 1800kHz – 1810kHz (All…

8J17CALL by 7-CALL Amateur Radio Club, Japan
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8J17CALL by 7-CALL Amateur Radio Club, Japan

Hello! This is 7M4VQJ, Satoshi from Tokyo. I am a president of 7-CALL Amateur Radio Club (JS1YEY), Tokyo based club station organized by 7-CALL amateurs. Firstly, I wish…