Giorno: 27 Aprile 2020

ZigBee Pro: più prestazioni e sicurezza
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ZigBee Pro: più prestazioni e sicurezza

Lo standard ZigBee, introdotto nel 2004, è stato in seguito sviluppato e migliorato. L’ultima revisione, che presentiamo in questo articolo, è conosciuta come ZigBee Pro. Fin dalla pubblicazione…

UK PMR Net – Every Sunday
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UK PMR Net – Every Sunday

Following on from a very successful event last Sunday the organisers of the UK PMR net have announced it will now take place every week….

Performance & Range Testing Extra Long Tactical Foldable Antennas Vs Stock Antennas!
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Performance & Range Testing Extra Long Tactical Foldable Antennas Vs Stock Antennas!

Antenna DX Commander Expedition Portable Antenna April 23, 2020 No comments A first look at the Portable version of the world famous DX Commander vertical…

QRPVer Minion SDR First Impressions
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QRPVer Minion SDR First Impressions

SSB SDR transceiver is a shortwave, ten band, multi band. QRPver Minion-SDR. This is a compact ten-band shortwave QRP SDR transceiver (1.8, 3.5, 5, 7,…

First remotely-invigilated exam call signs issued
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First remotely-invigilated exam call signs issued

The RSGB is pleased to announce that the first successful candidates in the online, remotely-invigilated amateur radio exams have now received their call signs. At…