Giorno: 28 Aprile 2020

Robotica soft: come i robot ispirati dalla natura possono aiutarci
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Robotica soft: come i robot ispirati dalla natura possono aiutarci

Siamo abituati in generale a vedere i robot come figure molto meccaniche e non di certo flessibili in termini di movimenti. Spesso risultano abbastanza “scattosi”…

OPAMP e segnali video: progetto e dimensionamento
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OPAMP e segnali video: progetto e dimensionamento

Bentornati a questo nostro appuntamento con la progettazione e con i segnali video. Ci siamo lasciati la scorsa volta con alcuni interrogativi inerenti i segnali video. Ci siamo…

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos. From
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SV2RSG/A Mount Athos. From

Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG/A will be active from Mount Athos, 7 – 10 May 2020., SV2RSG/A Mount Athos. From, ,

Radio Amateur Finds Another “Zombie Satellite”
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Radio Amateur Finds Another “Zombie Satellite”

British Columbia radio amateur Scott Tilley, VE7TIL, has found another “zombie satellite,” as he calls them. This time, he tracked and identified radio signals from…

Emergency Ventilator Designed and Constructed by Hams Going to FDA
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Emergency Ventilator Designed and Constructed by Hams Going to FDA

Radio amateurs have succeeded in providing a complete, working ventilator system to University of Florida researchers who are in the process of applying to the…

RigExpert TI-3000 USB Transceiver Interface, HF Digital Modes, FT-8/FT-4/PSK
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RigExpert TI-3000 USB Transceiver Interface, HF Digital Modes, FT-8/FT-4/PSK

TI-3000 RigExpert TI-3000 is a new and powerful USB transceiver interface based on high-quality stereo codec IC, for operating phone, CW and digital modes using…

Yaesu on April 27, 2020, introduced a network remote control system LAN unit “SCU-LAN10”
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Yaesu on April 27, 2020, introduced a network remote control system LAN unit “SCU-LAN10”

Yaesu Radio Co., Ltd., on April 27, 2020, introduced a network remote control system LAN unit “SCU-LAN10” that enables remote operation by connecting its HF…

Happy birthday,  Samuel Morse!
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Happy birthday, Samuel Morse!

On January 6, 1838, Samuel Morse’s telegraph system is demonstrated for the first time at the Speedwell Iron Works in Morristown, New Jersey. The telegraph, a…