Mese: Aprile 2020

Introduzione allo standard video HEVC/H.265
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Introduzione allo standard video HEVC/H.265

Lo standard di compressione video HEVC, la cui specifica iniziale è stata ratificata nel 2013, è stato creato con l’obiettivo di ottenere un’efficienza di compressione…

25 aprile, il giorno di Marconi
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25 aprile, il giorno di Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi nacque a Bologna il 25 aprile 1874 nella residenza della famiglia Marconi del palazzo Orlandini in via delle Asse 1170 (oggi via IV…

Long-Lost U.S. Military Satellite Found By Amateur Radio Operator
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Long-Lost U.S. Military Satellite Found By Amateur Radio Operator

There are more than 2,000 active satellites orbiting Earth. At the end of their useful lives, many will simply burn up as they reenter the…

UN International Center in Vienna Joins Stay-at-Home Movement
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UN International Center in Vienna Joins Stay-at-Home Movement

The Vienna International Center in Austria has authorized the call sign 4U2STAYHOME for use by the Vienna International Amateur Radio Club, which normally identifies as…

Solar Panel installations cause RF interference in Switzerland
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Solar Panel installations cause RF interference in Switzerland

The USKA report the magazine Photovoltaik carries an article about the interference solar panel installations cause to radios A translation of the USKA post says: What we…

First Remote Foundation Exam held in Australia
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First Remote Foundation Exam held in Australia

Author : Robert Broomhead – VK3DN Monday night, April 20th was a historical moment for the WIA. The unique significance is that the two WIA members…

Proteggi i tuoi progetti IoT dagli attacchi invasivi con la tecnologia PUF
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Proteggi i tuoi progetti IoT dagli attacchi invasivi con la tecnologia PUF

Se stai seguendo le iniziative di Arm, nei prossimi anni andremo verso un trilione di dispositivi connessi. Tuttavia, molti esperti del settore hanno notato che…

A Solar Storm, Comets ATLAS & SWAN, and a Shower | Space Weather News 04.23.2020
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A Solar Storm, Comets ATLAS & SWAN, and a Shower | Space Weather News 04.23.2020

Antenna DX Commander Expedition Portable Antenna April 23, 2020 No comments A first look at the Portable version of the world famous DX Commander vertical…

DX Commander Expedition Portable Antenna
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DX Commander Expedition Portable Antenna

A first look at the Portable version of the world famous DX Commander vertical antenna for Ham Radio. News Buyer Alert! Do you know how…

Stm32WL: la nuova piattaforma SOC LoRa
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Stm32WL: la nuova piattaforma SOC LoRa

Il nuovo SOC che permette di realizzare progetti con la tecnologia LoRa. STM32WL è il nuovo system on a chip di STMElectronics che integra al…

Digital Signal Processor: la tecnologia digitale applicata all’analisi dei segnali
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Digital Signal Processor: la tecnologia digitale applicata all’analisi dei segnali

L’elaborazione numerica dei segnali, di qualunque natura essi siano, rappresenta senza ombra di dubbio una delle tecnologie che hanno riscosso il maggiore successo ed attenzione…

A91WTIS Bahrain. From
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A91WTIS Bahrain. From

A91WTIS Team will be active from Bahrain, 10 – 17 May 2020, for World Telecommunication and Information Society Day., A91WTIS Bahrain. From, ,

New NOAA Updates Solar Cycle 25 Prediction
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New NOAA Updates Solar Cycle 25 Prediction

Frank Donovan, W3LPL, notes that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has published its official updated prediction of Solar…

Buyer Alert!  Do you know how to spot a counterfeit BF-F8HP?
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Buyer Alert! Do you know how to spot a counterfeit BF-F8HP?

BF-F8HP and Counterfeits: Their differences and how to spot a counterfeit BF-F8HP  The BaoFeng BF-F8HP has been an extremely popular entry-level amateur radio ever since its debut….

Nomination Deadline Extended for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award
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Nomination Deadline Extended for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award

In light if the coronavirus pandemic, the ARRL Public Relations Committee has extended the nomination deadline for the Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award until Monday,…

Organize Your Ham Radio Shack With Mic Booms & Switches
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Organize Your Ham Radio Shack With Mic Booms & Switches

News Buyer Alert! Do you know how to spot a counterfeit BF-F8HP? April 22, 2020 No comments BF-F8HP and Counterfeits: Their differences and how to…

Ham Radio Remote Testing with Anchorage VEC | Online Testing
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Ham Radio Remote Testing with Anchorage VEC | Online Testing

    Ham Radio Remote Testing has been a reality since 2014 for the Anchorage, AK VEC Team. Today I get to sit down with…

Microcontrollori low power: come scegliere
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Microcontrollori low power: come scegliere

In questo articolo affronteremo delle considerazioni di base sui microcontrollori, volte a confrontare e scegliere tra i diversi modelli disponibili sul mercato. Il risparmio energetico è…

Contest University (CTU) 2020 will be Free and Online
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Contest University (CTU) 2020 will be Free and Online

Tim Duffy, K3LR, has announced that Contest University (CTU) USA 2020 will be held online via Zoom on Thursday May 14, starting at 1245 UTC….

Hams in India Provide Communication Assistance during COVID-19 Pandemic
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Hams in India Provide Communication Assistance during COVID-19 Pandemic

According to a report in The New Indian Express, amateur radio operators in Kerala state have joined the fight against COVID-19. The newspaper said the district administration has…

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The first geomagnetic storm of 2020 (category G1) took forecasters by surprise on April 20th when a CME hit Earth’s magnetic field, sparking bright auroras over Canada and…

Japan and 160m band
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Japan and 160m band

In JA, the following frequency ranges were permitted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications today (21 Apr. 2020) . 1800kHz – 1810kHz (All…

8J17CALL by 7-CALL Amateur Radio Club, Japan
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8J17CALL by 7-CALL Amateur Radio Club, Japan

Hello! This is 7M4VQJ, Satoshi from Tokyo. I am a president of 7-CALL Amateur Radio Club (JS1YEY), Tokyo based club station organized by 7-CALL amateurs. Firstly, I wish…

Spread Spectrum Vs. Narrow Band
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Spread Spectrum Vs. Narrow Band

Fissato il rapporto segnale rumore, l’aumento della banda di un canale trasmissivo migliora le prestazioni e l’immunità degli errori nel canale. Il principio dello Spread…

Arduino: come usare un solo pin per input multipli
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Arduino: come usare un solo pin per input multipli

Se non lo sapessi, è possibile usare un solo pin di Arduino come sorgente di diversi input. In altre parole: puoi usare un solo pin…