Giorno: 14 Maggio 2020

PiSugar battery: lo shield con batteria per Raspberry Pi Zero
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PiSugar battery: lo shield con batteria per Raspberry Pi Zero

PiSugar battery è uno shield realizzato per Raspberry Pi Zero. Il suo scopo? Offrire un sistema di alimentazione e ricarica per Raspberry Pi Zero in…

Costruiamo un copritermosifone in legno con visualizzazione della temperatura con ESPertino
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Costruiamo un copritermosifone in legno con visualizzazione della temperatura con ESPertino

Lo scopo dell’articolo è soprattutto di tipo didattico. La sua finalità principale è quella di fare conoscenza con il termometro di ESPertino, già in dotazione…

XP2I OX/OZ2I Greenland. From
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XP2I OX/OZ2I Greenland. From

Henning, OX/OZ2I will be active as XP2I from Greenland, IOTA NA – 018 in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020., XP2I…

DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From
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DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From

DG5LAC will be active from Amrum Island, IOTA EU-042, 18 – 24 May 2020, as DG5LAC/P., DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From, ,

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AFFECTED BY ANTENNA ATTACK Three Archi stations on the Big Island of Chiloé, specifically, from Ancud, experienced surprise and dismay this Tuesday morning, when they…

New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT
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New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT

WSJT-X 2.2 New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT Joe Taylor K1JT reports the new beta version of the popular FT4 and FT8 software, WSJT-X…

MFJ 1982MP End Fed Antenna
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MFJ 1982MP End Fed Antenna

“This video is about the MFJ-1982MP End Fed antenna. You can find them using the link below. The MFJ-1982 covers 80-10 meters. This antenna can…

Socially Distanced In-Person Exam Sessions Held in US and Norway
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Socially Distanced In-Person Exam Sessions Held in US and Norway

With some states starting to relax restrictions on events and activities, the Grant County, Oregon, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) held an in-person exam session…