Giorno: 24 Maggio 2020

Emissioni di CO2: facciamo il punto della situazione
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Emissioni di CO2: facciamo il punto della situazione

Le emissioni globali di CO2 sono state stabili durante lo scorso anno, questo mostra che l’aumento delle emissioni di anidride carbonica si sta livellando, ma…

Video UA0ZY/P Kambalny Island. From
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Video UA0ZY/P Kambalny Island. From

Video UA0ZY/P 1999 IOTA Expedition to Kambalny Island, IOTA AS – 042., Video UA0ZY/P Kambalny Island. From, ,

New Raspberry Pi SD card image for RSPdx
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New Raspberry Pi SD card image for RSPdx

SDRplay has released a new downloadable Raspberry Pi SD card image which adds support for the RSPdx and simultaneous use of both the tuners in…

URE makes June magazine PDF available [ FREE ]
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URE makes June magazine PDF available [ FREE ]

Spain’s URE makes June magazine PDF available In response to the ongoing Coronvirus situation Spain’s national amateur radio society URE is allowing everyone to download the PDF…

Elecraft K4 Update
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Elecraft K4 Update

by Eric Swartz May 19, 2020 Hi Everyone, At Elecraft, like many of you, we are in our 9th week of shelter in place. This…