Mese: Maggio 2020

The Great Geomagnetic Storm of May 1921
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The Great Geomagnetic Storm of May 1921

 99 years ago this week, people around the world woke up to some unusual headlines. “Telegraph Service Prostrated, Comet Not to Blame” — declared the…

ARISS to Attempt Second Test of New Multipoint Telebridge Contact System
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ARISS to Attempt Second Test of New Multipoint Telebridge Contact System

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is hoping to refine its new “multipoint telebridge” system for handling scheduled ham radio contacts between International…

ARRL Seeks Clarification of Amended Amateur Service RF Safety Rules
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ARRL Seeks Clarification of Amended Amateur Service RF Safety Rules

ARRL has filed a Petition for Clarification addressing two issues arising from amended FCC RF safety rules that go into effect on June 1 for the Amateur…

PiSugar battery: lo shield con batteria per Raspberry Pi Zero
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PiSugar battery: lo shield con batteria per Raspberry Pi Zero

PiSugar battery è uno shield realizzato per Raspberry Pi Zero. Il suo scopo? Offrire un sistema di alimentazione e ricarica per Raspberry Pi Zero in…

Costruiamo un copritermosifone in legno con visualizzazione della temperatura con ESPertino
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Costruiamo un copritermosifone in legno con visualizzazione della temperatura con ESPertino

Lo scopo dell’articolo è soprattutto di tipo didattico. La sua finalità principale è quella di fare conoscenza con il termometro di ESPertino, già in dotazione…

XP2I OX/OZ2I Greenland. From
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XP2I OX/OZ2I Greenland. From

Henning, OX/OZ2I will be active as XP2I from Greenland, IOTA NA – 018 in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020., XP2I…

DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From
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DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From

DG5LAC will be active from Amrum Island, IOTA EU-042, 18 – 24 May 2020, as DG5LAC/P., DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From, ,

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AFFECTED BY ANTENNA ATTACK Three Archi stations on the Big Island of Chiloé, specifically, from Ancud, experienced surprise and dismay this Tuesday morning, when they…

New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT
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New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT

WSJT-X 2.2 New Beta of FT4 and FT8 software WSJT Joe Taylor K1JT reports the new beta version of the popular FT4 and FT8 software, WSJT-X…

MFJ 1982MP End Fed Antenna
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MFJ 1982MP End Fed Antenna

“This video is about the MFJ-1982MP End Fed antenna. You can find them using the link below. The MFJ-1982 covers 80-10 meters. This antenna can…

Socially Distanced In-Person Exam Sessions Held in US and Norway
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Socially Distanced In-Person Exam Sessions Held in US and Norway

With some states starting to relax restrictions on events and activities, the Grant County, Oregon, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) held an in-person exam session…

I sensori resistivi
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I sensori resistivi

Spesso ci si dimentica di quanto intimamente connessi siano i sensori e la fisica del mondo in cui viviamo. In realtà è qualcosa di ovvio:…

Smart Grid e IoT: come aumentare l’efficienza energetica e ridurre gli sprechi con l’IoT
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Smart Grid e IoT: come aumentare l’efficienza energetica e ridurre gli sprechi con l’IoT

Il mondo dell’IoT può aiutare con soluzioni più rispettose per l’ambiente? Le smart grid sono alla base di una gestione più efficace e monitorata dei…

Interfacciamento dei sensori: un ponte tra due mondi
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Interfacciamento dei sensori: un ponte tra due mondi

Nel mondo dell’IoT (Internet of Things) in cui stiamo entrando a grandi passi, c’è un elemento che la farà da padrone: i sensori. Quale che…

MFJ Duplexer–Two radios, one antenna, or vice versa
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MFJ Duplexer–Two radios, one antenna, or vice versa

Antenna 4 Ways to Use Your AlexLoop Antenna November 18, 2016 No comments AlexLoop Walkham Portable Small Magnetic Loop Antenna The AlexLoop Walkham was designed…

Fox Hunt! (Radio Direction Finding) – Ham Radio Q&A
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Fox Hunt! (Radio Direction Finding) – Ham Radio Q&A

Antenna Why I LOVE my Antenna Wire Measuring Counter! May 02, 2020 No comments This is an amazing machine made by “Sam” in the USA….

New Chinese amateur satellites expected to launch in September
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New Chinese amateur satellites expected to launch in September

Two new Chinese amateur radio satellites are now expected to launch on September 15, 2020. The first of these satellites, CAS-7A, is a 27 kg microsat…

Controllo motore tramite encoder
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Controllo motore tramite encoder

In questo articolo analizziamo le principali caratteristiche di un motore con encoder e alcune possibili configurazioni per la sua gestione. Il motore elettrico, così come…

PMR446 And The ‘Serious User’
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PMR446 And The ‘Serious User’

Some interesting discussion on various Facebook groups recently about the more serious side of PMR446. As we all know, PMR446 is intended as a low…

HuskySat-1 Transponder is Open
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HuskySat-1 Transponder is Open

After a week of testing, the transponder on HuskySat-1 is enabled and open for use and testing. It’s fairly sensitive, and 5-10 watts is plenty…

Anytone AT-D578UV III Pro Review
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Anytone AT-D578UV III Pro Review

Software New SSTV Software Now Available May 07, 2020 No comments An update of the popular MMSSTV slow-scan television (SSTV) software is now available. Eugenio Fernández, EA1ADA,…

Hamvention QSO Party
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Hamvention QSO Party

Hamvention QSO Party The Dayton Hamvention for 2020 has been cancelled. WWROF, in cooperation with the Hamvention organizers, wanted to create a fun way for people…

Filtered 2400 MHz Driver Amplifier Kits Now Available
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Filtered 2400 MHz Driver Amplifier Kits Now Available

This kit has been designed by David Bowman G0MRF and contains all the parts required to drive a PA on 2.4 GHz for QO-100. The completed board…

Pulsossimetro BLE di Texas Instruments
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Pulsossimetro BLE di Texas Instruments

Le apparecchiature elettromedicali trovano numerose applicazioni nella misurazione e nel monitoraggio di parametri vitali. In questo articolo viene presentato il progetto di un pulsossimetro di…

AIRSPY R2 Software Defined Radio Firmware Update Procedure
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AIRSPY R2 Software Defined Radio Firmware Update Procedure

Here we take a look at the procedure to update an Airspy R2 SDR receiver. Review Adding an HF Linear Amp to Your Station…