Giorno: 4 Giugno 2020

I dispositivi Wide Band Gap per applicazioni di elettronica di potenza
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I dispositivi Wide Band Gap per applicazioni di elettronica di potenza

Lo sviluppo di dispositivi a semiconduttori di potenza con tecnologia SiC (carburo di silicio) e GaN (nitruro di gallio) è legato principalmente all’aumento della domanda…

27.275 USB – UK SSB Calling Channel
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27.275 USB – UK SSB Calling Channel

It’s almost 6 years since AM and SSB were legalised in the UK. At the time a poll across several forums and radio websites was…

The Yasme Foundation Announces Grants, Excellence Award
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The Yasme Foundation Announces Grants, Excellence Award

The Board of Directors of The Yasme Foundation has announced grants of $5,000 each to the Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) and to ARRL scholarship programs for…

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A new sunspot is emerging over the sun’s southeastern limb. Provisionally numbered AR2765, it is inset in this magnetic map of the sun’s surface from…

The Super Elastic Signal Stick antenna review and testing
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The Super Elastic Signal Stick antenna review and testing

<   Who is Signal Stuff? In a world where Amateur Radio ought to be on the cutting edge of technology, far too often hams…

Amp Up A QRP Ham Radio With MX-P50M
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Amp Up A QRP Ham Radio With MX-P50M

Antenna Q52 Relay-switched 20-17-15-12-10 meter Yagi April 30, 2015 No comments       See Q52     20 17 15 12 10 5-band Remote Switched 2el Yagi Coverage band in 2…

Credit card chip used to make crystal radio
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Credit card chip used to make crystal radio

Antenna An Intro and Antennas – Nuts and Volts Magazine February 04, 2015 No comments   An Intro and Antennas – Nuts and Volts Magazine…