Giorno: 17 Giugno 2020

Computer Vision 1.02 – Canny Edge Detection
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Computer Vision 1.02 – Canny Edge Detection

Cosa significa “riconoscere un oggetto”? Intuitivamente, significa separarlo da tutto il resto, significa poter dire “questa è una mela” e “questo è un tavolo”. Significa…

Space Station Contact 16/06/2020
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Space Station Contact 16/06/2020

An ARISS educational school contact is planned with students at I.E.S. Pedro de Valdivia, Villanueva de la Serena, Spain, multi point telebridge via ON4ISS. A multi-point telebridge…

Antenna beam 2 elements 80m (Monobander)
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Antenna beam 2 elements 80m (Monobander)

Frequency: (3,500 MHz – 3,830 MHz) Number of elements per band: 2 Gain [dBd]: 3.9 Front-back ratio [dB]: 18 A switching system that enables operation…

Best DMR Mobile 2020
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Best DMR Mobile 2020

App – Mobile SatSat for IOS version 1.4.11 has been released May 22, 2020 No comments SatSat, by Fabrice Aneche is a satellite tracking software,…

Raspberry Pi FUNcube satellite telemetry decoder now available
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Raspberry Pi FUNcube satellite telemetry decoder now available

The FUNcube Team has announced the availability of FUNcube CubeSat satellite telemetry decoder software for the popular Raspberry Pi computer board. The original FUNcube telemetry…

About correspondence of amateur radio products due to revision of radio law (IC7100,IC7300,IC7610,IC7851)
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About correspondence of amateur radio products due to revision of radio law (IC7100,IC7300,IC7610,IC7851)

With the revision of the Radio Law, amateur radio communication now allows SSB operation in the 1.9MHz band. Since we have started the procedure to…