Giorno: 23 Giugno 2020

Il Nuovo Sistema di Controllo Operativo GPS Satellitare OCX
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Il Nuovo Sistema di Controllo Operativo GPS Satellitare OCX

Nel mondo iperconnesso di oggi, dove quasi tutto può essere visto come un nodo su qualche rete, è essenziale poter condividere le informazioni con chiunque…

Virtual Trade
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Virtual Trade

Antenna Design and Measurement Software
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Antenna Design and Measurement Software

AnTune software assists in designing antennas and RF impedance networks. Their software runs on PC/Windows and can communicate with a Vector Network Analyzer over GPIB/USB/LAN…

Rescued Radio Amateur Says, “Ham Radio Saved My Life”
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Rescued Radio Amateur Says, “Ham Radio Saved My Life”

ARRL member Alden Sumner Jones IV, KC1JWR, of Bennington, Vermont, is thankful for amateur radio, after he suffered a medical incident and lost consciousness on…

How to use the NanoVNA to sweep / measure an antenna system’s SWR and optimize its tuning
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How to use the NanoVNA to sweep / measure an antenna system’s SWR and optimize its tuning

This video briefly shows how to setup and use the NanoVNA to sweep an antenna system (antenna, transmission line, transmatch, etc.) to measure its VSWR,…

Sending an NTS Radiogram (Field Day) – Ham Radio Q&A
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Sending an NTS Radiogram (Field Day) – Ham Radio Q&A

Antenna Status QUAD: 4/12 StQ 50/144 , cubic 4 elements 50 Mhz and 12 elements 144 Mhz March 13, 2018 No comments Simulation table Eznec,…

HamPi Ham Radio Software for Raspberry Pi from W3DJS (#294)
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HamPi Ham Radio Software for Raspberry Pi from W3DJS (#294)

Equipment Portapack H1 For HackRF – Ultimate RF Hacker Tool June 19, 2020 No comments Read more Arduino semi-automatic antenna tuner June 15, 2020 No…