Giorno: 30 Giugno 2020

Controllo accessi con PIC
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Controllo accessi con PIC

Il controllo degli accessi ai dispositivi è oggi un’operazione molto semplice grazie alla tecnologia messa a disposizione da MikroElektronica. RFid Reader è una scheda che ha lo scopo di leggere le…

PMR446 – What is Legal?
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PMR446 – What is Legal?

PMR446 – What’s Legal? Sounds like a straight-forward question to answer doesn’t it? If you want to operate legally on the PMR446 band you require…

All’Ham Messe ma virtualmente
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All’Ham Messe ma virtualmente

National Hurricane Center’s WX4NHC Annual Station Test is Successful
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National Hurricane Center’s WX4NHC Annual Station Test is Successful

On May 30, operators at WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center (NHC), working from home, conducted the annual readiness check of the station and of…