ARRL has announced that Orlando HamCation® will host the 2021 ARRL National Convention in Orlando, Florida, February 11 – 14. The convention will mark the 75th anniversary of…
A balloon launched on May 20 by “Amateur Radio Roundtable” web show host Tom Medlin, W5KUB, and team has begun its third circumnavigation of Earth. The balloon,…
ARRL continues to solicit paper logs of prominent DXpeditions or logs from stations and operators active from more rare locations from the 1950s through the…
Steve Nichols, G0KYA – Chair of the RSGB Propagation Studies Committee – narrates this presentation about VHF propagation. The presentation was written by John Worsnop,…
I sistemi di alimentazione odierni per le infrastrutture di comunicazione e informatiche devono supportare elevati carichi di corrente a causa di FPGA, ASIC e microprocessori…
EchoHam allows Amateur Radio operators to use the Echolink network from their Mac. You must be a licensed Amateur Radio operator to use this software. Echoham,…
The WSJT Development Group is pleased to announce the general availability (GA) release of WSJT-X Version 2.2.2. A brief summary of new features is provided…
EFHW-8010 Multiband End Fed Half Wave Antenna 130 Feet (39.6m) long NO TUNER needed! Perfect for ALE HFLink, ARES, EMCOM … Resonant on 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10m 1kW-ICAS…
Nel mondo iperconnesso di oggi, dove quasi tutto può essere visto come un nodo su qualche rete, è essenziale poter condividere le informazioni con chiunque…
AnTune software assists in designing antennas and RF impedance networks. Their software runs on PC/Windows and can communicate with a Vector Network Analyzer over GPIB/USB/LAN…
ARRL member Alden Sumner Jones IV, KC1JWR, of Bennington, Vermont, is thankful for amateur radio, after he suffered a medical incident and lost consciousness on…
This video briefly shows how to setup and use the NanoVNA to sweep an antenna system (antenna, transmission line, transmatch, etc.) to measure its VSWR,…
Fin dalla loro nascita, i LED (Light Emitting Diode – diodi emettitori di luce) sono stati applicati e utilizzati in svariati settori grazie alle loro…
Sundays are Fun-days on the radio with two radio events back-to-back… From 7pm, operators are invited to call out on the UK SSB calling channel 27.275…
Non c’è dubbio che la professione di ingegnere nell’ambito IT sia complessa e sempre in costante e rapida evoluzione. Ogni segmento di mercato, che si…
W5FJG will be active from Amundsen Scott South Pole Station Antarctica until November 2014 as KC4AAA., KC4AAA Amundsen Scott South Pole Station. From, ,
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