Giorno: 4 Luglio 2020

La tecnologia Optical Bonding
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La tecnologia Optical Bonding

L’obiettivo di questo articolo è introdurre la tecnologia di optical bonding che permette di migliorare le prestazioni dei display TFT soprattutto per quello che riguarda la visibilità…

Contest Committee to relax COVID-19 rules
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Contest Committee to relax COVID-19 rules

As we’re all aware, the changes to COVID-19 restrictions have been coming thick and fast recently, but they have also remained inconsistent across the different…

BaofengTech BTECH 50X3 Triband Mobile Radio Review and Power Testing
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BaofengTech BTECH 50X3 Triband Mobile Radio Review and Power Testing

BTECH UV-50X3 X-Series Mobile – 50 Watt Tri Band Radio 13.8V (15 Amp) Operating Voltage Source Required – Dual Receiver Radio (Dual RF), Capable of…