Giorno: 6 Luglio 2020

Regolatori DC: come l’efficienza può essere fuorviante
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Regolatori DC: come l’efficienza può essere fuorviante

Valutare la resa termica di un regolatore DC/DC POL (Point-Of-Load) solo tramite la sua efficienza di conversione è sconsigliabile. La scelta degli induttori, dei condensatori e del layout della…

5Z4/PA1TS Naivasha Kenya. From
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5Z4/PA1TS Naivasha Kenya. From

Joost, 5Z4/PA1TS is currently active from Naivasha, Kenya., 5Z4/PA1TS Naivasha Kenya. From, ,

PZ5G PZ5GE Papegaaine Island Suriname. From
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PZ5G PZ5GE Papegaaine Island Suriname. From

Markus, DJ4EL will be active as PZ5G and PZ5GE from Papegaaine Island, IOTA SA – 092 and Suriname., PZ5G PZ5GE Papegaaine Island Suriname. From,…

IL7/IK4YCQ San Domino Island. From
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IL7/IK4YCQ San Domino Island. From

IL7/IK4YCQ will be active from San Domino Island, Tremiti Islands, IOTA EU-050, 4 – 10 June 2020., IL7/IK4YCQ San Domino Island. From, ,

E-book sulle misure con oscilloscopi
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E-book sulle misure con oscilloscopi

Per scaricare gratuitamente l’e-book cliccare sull’immagine Fonte: AIR Radiorama

Andromeda 100W Transceiver -Apache Labs
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Andromeda 100W Transceiver -Apache Labs

Sneak peek at the Andromeda 100W Transceiver…… 10th GEN Intel 6 Core i7, 7 inch built in touch screen and an option to add up…