Giorno: 22 Luglio 2020

Strutturare un sistema di gestione batterie
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Strutturare un sistema di gestione batterie

Analizziamo in questo articolo alcune indicazioni per organizzare il flusso di progettazione di un sistema di alimentazione a batterie tenendo conto dei numerosi fattori in…

Lab599 Discovery TX-500 QRP Ham Radio Review
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Lab599 Discovery TX-500 QRP Ham Radio Review

  GENERAL FEATURES 160-6-meter ham bands; General ‘receive’ coverage 0.5 – 56.0 MHz; All modes: SSB, CW, DIG, AM, FM; High-performance 32-bit floating-point DSP; Current…

New RigExpert Green ZOOM Family of the antenna & cable analyzers
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New RigExpert Green ZOOM Family of the antenna & cable analyzers

“New RigExpert Green ZOOM Family of the antenna & cable analyzers Dear RigExpert Followers, We are glad to present you a New RigExpert Green ZOOM…

Super Battery Booster MFJ-4416C
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Super Battery Booster MFJ-4416C

Today`s compact 100-watt HF rigs are designed to operate from about 12-16 volts, with output signal distortion, output power problems, and transceiver reset often occurring…

How to use Frequency Scanner to Search UHF MilAir in 2.3 seconds in SDR# using AirSpy R2
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How to use Frequency Scanner to Search UHF MilAir in 2.3 seconds in SDR# using AirSpy R2

    VHF 1240-1300 MHz discussed at CEPT SE 40 meeting July 14, 2020 No comments The 69th meeting of CEPT ECC Working Group SE-40,…

Radio Amateurs Help Air Ambulance
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Radio Amateurs Help Air Ambulance

Peru’s Radio Club Peruano (RCP) reports that Guillermo Guerra, OA4DTU/XQ3SA, and the Peruvian Relief Net assisted an air ambulance en route to Easter Island on…