Giorno: 29 Luglio 2020

Controller per taglierina a filo caldo per polistirolo
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Controller per taglierina a filo caldo per polistirolo

Proponiamo, in questo articolo, un controller per filo a caldo a basse perdite, utilizzando un circuito dimmer a bassa tensione. Il polistirolo espanso è ampiamente…

OJ0/OH3BRJ OJ0/OH3BRK Market Reef. From
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OJ0/OH3BRJ OJ0/OH3BRK Market Reef. From

OJ0/OH3BRJ and OJ0/OH3BRK will be active from Market Reef, IOTA EU – 053, 6 – 7 August 2020., OJ0/OH3BRJ OJ0/OH3BRK Market Reef. From, ,

FCC Fines HobbyKing Nearly  Million for Marketing Unauthorized Drone Transmitters
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FCC Fines HobbyKing Nearly $3 Million for Marketing Unauthorized Drone Transmitters

The FCC has issued a Forfeiture Order (FO) calling for HobbyKing to pay a fine of $2,861,128 for marketing drone transmitters that do not comply with FCC…

ISS MAI-75 SSTV activity planned for Aug 4-5
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ISS MAI-75 SSTV activity planned for Aug 4-5

It is planned Russian cosmonauts will transmit amateur radio Slow Scan Television (SSTV) images from the International Space Station (ISS) during August 4-5 on 145.800…

Is the Airspy Discovery HF+ sensitive on VLF? Testing with a Garrett metal detector
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Is the Airspy Discovery HF+ sensitive on VLF? Testing with a Garrett metal detector

“It occurred to me that my Garrett metal detector is a signal source at 13.6 KHz, so I decided to test to see if the…