Mese: Luglio 2020

ICOM LC-192 for IC-705
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ICOM LC-192 for IC-705

Making your field operation more fun and convenient with the LC-192, the IC-705’s utility backpack. The IC-705 fits perfectly in the optional LC-192 multi-function backpack….

How To Track Weather Balloons Using SDR
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How To Track Weather Balloons Using SDR

VHF National Hurricane Center’s WX4NHC Annual Station Test is Successful June 29, 2020 No comments On May 30, operators at WX4NHC at the National Hurricane…

5000km plus opening on 144 MHz from Cape Verde Islands to Italy, Slovenia & Croatia – 2nd July 2020
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5000km plus opening on 144 MHz from Cape Verde Islands to Italy, Slovenia & Croatia – 2nd July 2020

On Thursday the 2nd of July 2020, there was another remarkable opening on 144 MHz between Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Africa…

La tecnologia Optical Bonding
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La tecnologia Optical Bonding

L’obiettivo di questo articolo è introdurre la tecnologia di optical bonding che permette di migliorare le prestazioni dei display TFT soprattutto per quello che riguarda la visibilità…

Contest Committee to relax COVID-19 rules
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Contest Committee to relax COVID-19 rules

As we’re all aware, the changes to COVID-19 restrictions have been coming thick and fast recently, but they have also remained inconsistent across the different…

BaofengTech BTECH 50X3 Triband Mobile Radio Review and Power Testing
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BaofengTech BTECH 50X3 Triband Mobile Radio Review and Power Testing

BTECH UV-50X3 X-Series Mobile – 50 Watt Tri Band Radio 13.8V (15 Amp) Operating Voltage Source Required – Dual Receiver Radio (Dual RF), Capable of…

La necessità di energia green nell’Industria 4.0 – Intervista a Rachel Ryan, Marketing Manager @ Interxion
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La necessità di energia green nell’Industria 4.0 – Intervista a Rachel Ryan, Marketing Manager @ Interxion

L’Industria 4.0 è caratterizzata da una maggiore flessibilità nella produzione e dalla combinazione e armonizzazione di tecnologie critiche per offrire flessibilità, semplicità, connettività ed apertura,…

Indoor Antennas That Work! – Ham Nation 460
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Indoor Antennas That Work! – Ham Nation 460

Antenna The CDAA Antenna and the Wullenweber January 30, 2015 No comments A CDAA  of which the Wullenweber is a type, consists of a group…

TOP 5 Software Defined Radio Receivers
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TOP 5 Software Defined Radio Receivers

App – Mobile EchoHam version v2.10 has been released June 23, 2020 No comments EchoHam allows Amateur Radio operators to use the Echolink network from their…

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NanoVNA V2: FM Bandstop Filter Measurements via NanoVNA QT VHF National Hurricane Center’s WX4NHC Annual Station Test is Successful June 29, 2020 No comments…

New Amateur Extra Class License Manual and Extra Q&A Now Available
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New Amateur Extra Class License Manual and Extra Q&A Now Available

Go all the way to the top! ARRL has everything you need to pass the Amateur Extra Class license exam with confidence. The ARRL Extra…

Intrepid-DX Group Announces Youth Essay Contest
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Intrepid-DX Group Announces Youth Essay Contest

The Intrepid-DX Group, a US-based IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes amateur radio in developing countries, has announced its first Youth Essay Contest. The prize…

Firmware 2.0 #05 – Power/Motor
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Firmware 2.0 #05 – Power/Motor

E’ uscito il nuovo numero della rivista tecnica Firmware 2.0. Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Power/Motor e Robotics. All’interno troverete articoli…

Swiss Remote Station Rigi Scheidegg, 1’660m a.s.l. – an Amateur Radio project of HB9RYZ + HB9CQK
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Swiss Remote Station Rigi Scheidegg, 1’660m a.s.l. – an Amateur Radio project of HB9RYZ + HB9CQK

Three strong winter storms (Petra, Sabine and Bianca) in February 2020 destroyed all the antennas of the Amateur Radio Remote-Station on the Mount Rigi Scheidegg…

Prominent Radio Amateur Helping to Lead US Convalescent Plasma Expanded Access Study
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Prominent Radio Amateur Helping to Lead US Convalescent Plasma Expanded Access Study

Well-known contester, DXer, and National Contest Journal (NCJ) Editor Scott Wright, K0MD, has been “substantially” stepping back from ham radio while offering his expertise to the US…

Yaesu FTM 300 Review and Programming
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Yaesu FTM 300 Review and Programming

Digital Modes FT8DMC 3rd Anniversary-Activity Days 2020 June 15, 2020 No comments To commemorate our 3rd anniversary, special event stations will be on air during…

Canada Day 2020 Contest Under Way
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Canada Day 2020 Contest Under Way

Each year on July 1, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) sponsors the Canada Day Contest. The event continues until 2359 UTC…

Perseus SDR – EladUSA
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Perseus SDR – EladUSA

Description Buy from EladUSA with Factory Support from Microtelcom PERSEUS  is a software defined VLF-LF-MF-HF receiver based on an outstanding direct sampling digital architecture. It…

Schmitt-trigger con FPGA o CPLD
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Schmitt-trigger con FPGA o CPLD

Lo Schmitt-trigger è uno dei circuiti più utilizzati in elettronica. Questo articolo spiegherà brevemente perché. Inoltre, ci aiuterà ad utilizzare questa funzionalità anche quando abbiamo…

XR0YSP Easter Island. From
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XR0YSP Easter Island. From

XR0YSP Team will be active from Easter Island, IOTA SA – 001, 15 – 30 September 2020., XR0YSP Easter Island. From, ,

TT8RR TT8XX Chad. From
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TT8RR TT8XX Chad. From

TT8RR and TT8XX Team will be active from Chad, 29 September – 12 October 2020., TT8RR TT8XX Chad. From, ,

TO5T Ile Aux Marins Saint Pierre and Miquelon. From
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TO5T Ile Aux Marins Saint Pierre and Miquelon. From

TO5T Team will be active from Ile Aux Marins, IOTA NA – 032, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 10 – 17 August 2020., TO5T Ile Aux…

5X1RI Uganda. From
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5X1RI Uganda. From

Shabu, M0KRI will be active as 5X1RI from Uganda during two weeks end of July – Mid August 2020., 5X1RI Uganda. From, ,

PJ4/M5RIC PJ4CC Bonaire. From
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PJ4/M5RIC PJ4CC Bonaire. From

Rich, M5RIC will be active as PJ4/M5RIC from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA – 006, 22 – 29 September 2020., PJ4/M5RIC PJ4CC Bonaire. From, ,

SmartSDR v2.4.10 is Now Available
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SmartSDR v2.4.10 is Now Available

FlexRadio Systems announces the immediate availability of SmartSDR v2.4.10 SmartSDR v2.4.10 is a special “interim” release.  This release is intended primarily only for users who…