Giorno: 21 Agosto 2020

Quando la potenza è gratis
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Quando la potenza è gratis

Sono certo che molti di noi ricordano la canzone dei Dire Straits che fa: “Money for nothing and …” ma quanti avrebbero pensato che un…

Technology and Technique Making Ham Radio Testing Possible During Pandemic
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Technology and Technique Making Ham Radio Testing Possible During Pandemic

Amateur radio license testing continues during the pandemic, with a combination of remote Volunteer Examiner (VE) test sessions and careful in-person session planning. In Hawaii, VE Team…

Enthusiasm Undimmed for International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
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Enthusiasm Undimmed for International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend

The 23rd International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW) takes place this weekend. The 2-day event begins at 0001 UTC on August 22 and continues until 2400…

How To Use A Ham Radio Manual Antenna Tuner
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How To Use A Ham Radio Manual Antenna Tuner

How To Use A Ham Radio Manual Antenna Tuner Antenna Lesson 6.1 Antenna Basics December 19, 2014 No comments Antenna Basics “General Class Ham Radio…

K6OIK Wins the August QST Cover Plaque Award
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K6OIK Wins the August QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the August 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “Antenna Performance in a Forest of Trees” by Steve Stearns, K6OIK. The QST Cover Plaque Award —…

Extend SDR Transmit Range – LimeSDR – HackRF – Adalm Pluto Amplifier
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Extend SDR Transmit Range – LimeSDR – HackRF – Adalm Pluto Amplifier

Antenna A powerful analyzer KC901S RF Multimeter with vector antenna analysis function April 24, 2015 No comments   KC901S is a “RF multimeter”. It supports…