Giorno: 6 Settembre 2020

L’Intelligenza Artificiale identifica una melodia studiando il linguaggio del corpo di un musicista
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L’Intelligenza Artificiale identifica una melodia studiando il linguaggio del corpo di un musicista

Lo strumento di Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) di gesti musicali sviluppato presso il MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab utilizza i movimenti del corpo per isolare i suoni…

How to support DX News. From
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How to support DX News. From

For many years has been publishing information for Radio Amateurs. And now you can support, How to support DX News. From, ,

The new ISS FM repeater is AWESOME! 30-degree pass and I had S9 signal on the downlink for 90 seconds here in Minnesota
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The new ISS FM repeater is AWESOME! 30-degree pass and I had S9 signal on the downlink for 90 seconds here in Minnesota

The new ISS FM repeater is AWESOME! 30-degree pass and I had S9 signal on the downlink for 90 seconds here in Minnesota The new…

The “Big Ear” was a Radio Telescope that listened for radio signals from space
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The “Big Ear” was a Radio Telescope that listened for radio signals from space

The Ohio State University Radio Observatory was operated on the grounds of Ohio Wesleyan Univerity’s The Perkins Observatory in Delaware Ohio from 1963 to 1998.  The radio observatory…

ISS International Space Station Cross Band FM Repeater
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ISS International Space Station Cross Band FM Repeater

ISS International Space Station Cross Band FM Repeater Antenna 3/3 (6) element 50/70MHz Yagi (1.2m) July 26, 2019 No comments An Excellent Dual Band Yagi…