Giorno: 7 Settembre 2020

Sviluppare con MB89201
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Sviluppare con MB89201

Questo articolo fornisce le basi per iniziare a sviluppare con il microcontrollore MB89201 della famiglia F2MC-8L di Fujitsu. Si approfondiranno gli strumenti attraverso i quali lo sviluppo viene agevolato, ovvero l’emulatore, le…

Manutenzione programmata server
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Manutenzione programmata server

Lunedì 7 settembre dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 10.00 il nostro portale, e tutti i servizi ad esso afferenti, potrà subire momentanee interruzioni a causa…

6^ Ed. Mostra Scambio Radioamatoriale a Vimercate (MB)
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6^ Ed. Mostra Scambio Radioamatoriale a Vimercate (MB)

On board ISS 🛰 (International Space Station) 🛰-ISS was installed a new radio lover’s crossband retranslator IORS.
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On board ISS 🛰 (International Space Station) 🛰-ISS was installed a new radio lover’s crossband retranslator IORS.

Work mode: FM Uplink frequency: 145.990 MHz with TON: 67 Hz [CTCSS] Downlink frequency: 437.800 MHzThe #ARISS team is pleased to announce that the setting…

The International Space Station now has an accessible FM Repeater
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The International Space Station now has an accessible FM Repeater

International Space Station Antenna EID175 Antenna Rotor – Eidolon from Norway June 25, 2016 No comments *sorry about quality image 1.244,0 Eur Weight: 21 kg  …