Mese: Settembre 2020

FCC Grants ARRL Rules Waiver Request for Fire Emergencies, Hurricanes
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FCC Grants ARRL Rules Waiver Request for Fire Emergencies, Hurricanes

The FCC has granted ARRL’s request for a temporary waiver to permit amateur data transmissions at a higher symbol rate than currently permitted by section…

Comunicazione sensorless per motori brushless
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Comunicazione sensorless per motori brushless

In questo articolo per la rubrica Firmware Reload analizziamo un’applicazione con microprocessori AVR ATmega32M1 per motori DC brushless. I motori brushless sono idealmente derivati dai…

Video WRTC 2014. From
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Video WRTC 2014. From

The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is a competition between two-person teams of amateur radio operators testing their skills to make contacts with other Amateur…

9M6NA Labuan Island. From
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9M6NA Labuan Island. From

Saty, 9M6NA will be active again from Labuan Island, IOTA OC – 133,in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 24 – 25 October 2020., 9M6NA Labuan…

OJ0JR Market Reef. From
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OJ0JR Market Reef. From

Henri, OH3JR will be active again as OJ0JR from Market Reef, IOTA EU – 053, 19 – 26 September 2020., OJ0JR Market Reef. From,…

Hurricane Watch Net Wraps Up Marathon Activation for Two Storms
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Hurricane Watch Net Wraps Up Marathon Activation for Two Storms

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) just stood down from another extended session — 71 hours of continuous operation — for Hurricane Paulette and Hurricane Sally….

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The Engineering Model, the first development model, of the NANOMIRAX / CRON-1 nanosatellite carried out its environmental testing campaign at the Integration and Testing Laboratory…

RGO ONE HF transceiver – PREORDER
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RGO ONE HF transceiver – PREORDER

This is third production lot.Please fill in your data so we can arrange shipping of your brand new RGO ONE shortwave transceiver right after it…

Sperimentiamo con il Software Defined Radio e GNU Radio
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Sperimentiamo con il Software Defined Radio e GNU Radio

Abbiamo introdotto il paradigma Software Defined Radio, evidenziandone i vantaggi rispetto ai classici approcci hardware-based, come maggiore adattabilità, costi ridotti e scalabilità. Abbiamo anche accennato…

Northern Florida ARES Requests Clear Frequencies for HF Nets
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Northern Florida ARES Requests Clear Frequencies for HF Nets

Northern Florida Section Emergency Coordinator Karl Martin, K4HBN, is requesting that stations not directly involved in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) response to Hurricane…

Langstone Project – SDR Transceiver using an Adalm PlutoSDR
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Langstone Project – SDR Transceiver using an Adalm PlutoSDR

Antenna LOW NOISE EXPLAINED ( LFA Antennas ) by G0KSC January 08, 2016 No comments A long time has passed since we have to accept…

Promotion video of ICOM IP730D/IP740D
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Promotion video of ICOM IP730D/IP740D

The IP730D series is an innovative hybrid IP radio with licensed professional radio mode for local and nationwide communications. Antenna MonoBeam HF Multibander MB16 10-15-20…

Computer Vision 1.04 – Features Matching
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Computer Vision 1.04 – Features Matching

Quando si parla di “riconoscere” un oggetto in un’immagine o un video, in genere la prima cosa che viene in mente sono quei filmati di…

Solar Cycle 25 Is Here. NASA, NOAA Scientists Explain What That Means
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Solar Cycle 25 Is Here. NASA, NOAA Scientists Explain What That Means

This split image shows the difference between an active Sun during solar maximum (on the left, captured in April 2014) and a quiet Sun during…

Our Sun Has Bad Aim with Storms to the East & West | Solar Storm Forecast 09.15.2020
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Our Sun Has Bad Aim with Storms to the East & West | Solar Storm Forecast 09.15.2020

Antenna Antenna Yagi 17 elements 4 bands – GPX Antennas February 15, 2020 No comments Frequency: 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz Number of elements: 7…

5-MHz Interoperability Channels Designated for Wildfires and Hurricane Sally Response
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5-MHz Interoperability Channels Designated for Wildfires and Hurricane Sally Response

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced that two 60-meter channels have been made available, as necessary, for interoperability between US Government stations and US amateur radio…

Marconi Day Award
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Marconi Day Award

Marconi Day Award The Calabria DX Team has once again organized Marconi Day and Award for the second year. The following accredited stations of various associations will…

How I designed the Nebula eXtreme Multiband 18m DX Commander Antenna
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How I designed the Nebula eXtreme Multiband 18m DX Commander Antenna

eXtreme Multiband 18m DX Antenna 18el 6bander – GXP Antenas – 40/20/17/15/12/10 March 29, 2016 No comments GXP Antenas 18el  6bander Bands      40/20/17/15/12/10 Gain…

Rilevamento degli oggetti con TensorFlow sul Raspberry Pi
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Rilevamento degli oggetti con TensorFlow sul Raspberry Pi

Il rilevamento degli oggetti (object detection o semplicemente OD) rappresenta una delle principali applicazioni dell’intelligenza artificiale, con impieghi sia a livello di machine che di deep…

YI9WS Iraq. From
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YI9WS Iraq. From

Giorgio, YI/IU5HWS is receive new call YI9WS and will be active from Baghdad, Iraq, until 20 January 2021.., YI9WS Iraq. From, ,

VP9/N1SNB Bermuda. From
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VP9/N1SNB Bermuda. From

Jeff, VP9/N1SNB will be active from Bermuda, IOTA NA – 005, 21 – 26 October 2020., VP9/N1SNB Bermuda. From, ,

Attention Turns to Tropical Storm Sally after Hurricane Paulette Hits Bermuda
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Attention Turns to Tropical Storm Sally after Hurricane Paulette Hits Bermuda

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) said this morning that it will continue to gather any reports from Bermuda in the wake of Hurricane Paulette, which…

ICOM IC 705 Raspberry Pi Setup WITH GPS
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ICOM IC 705 Raspberry Pi Setup WITH GPS

ICOM IC 705 Raspberry Pi Setup WITH GPS Antenna 5 Elements wire yagi for 80m November 11, 2019 No comments There were a lot of…

Xiegu G90 HF Ham Radio Go Box/Solar Generator
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Xiegu G90 HF Ham Radio Go Box/Solar Generator

Xiegu G90 HF Ham Radio Go Box/Solar Generator Antenna Successful Wire Antennas November 09, 2015 No comments Successful Wire Antennas Edited by Ian Poole, G3YWX…

The repeter antenna of the ISS
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The repeter antenna of the ISS

The repeter antenna of the ISS Source: URE Antenna What is a Bi-Cone Antenna ? June 15, 2015 No comments Bi-Cone Antenna he Bi-Cone Antenna…