Giorno: 28 Ottobre 2020

Sensore di temperatura stabile in Packaging Wearable-Ready
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Sensore di temperatura stabile in Packaging Wearable-Ready

Gli smartphone e i monitor indossabili di oggi, come smartwatch e cinturini per il fitness, consentono alle persone di acquisire sempre più dati che riguardano…

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The receiver works according to the double superhet principle and is designed for the frequency range from 40 kHz to 30 MHz. It is characterized…

CQ WW SSB/CW 2020 Online Scoring Trophy program
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CQ WW SSB/CW 2020 Online Scoring Trophy program and our sponsor Icom America Inc.  are establishing a special award program to encourage the use of scoreboards during international contests. We are currently announcing four…

VisAir QRP
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VisAir QRP

VisAir QRP Antenna Fixing a brand new Cushcraft A3S beam antenna December 15, 2018 No comments Cushcraft A3S  Three Element Beam – 10, 15 &…

The Classic Astatic D-104 Microphone
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The Classic Astatic D-104 Microphone

Let’s take a quick look at the classic Astatic D-104 microphone! Antenna QST Antenna Design Competition Submission Deadline Looms August 01, 2018 No comments The…

A Snake-like Filament Erupts while a Solar Storm Rages | Space Weather News
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A Snake-like Filament Erupts while a Solar Storm Rages | Space Weather News

This week our Sun continues its upward climb in activity with multiple new bright regions on the Earth-facing disk, including a new sunspot region (region…