Mese: Ottobre 2020

VE2IM Sept Iles CQ Zone 2. From
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VE2IM Sept Iles CQ Zone 2. From

Yuri, VE3DZ will be active again as VE2IM from Sept Iles, CQ Zone 2, 19 – 26 October 2020., VE2IM Sept Iles CQ Zone 2….

VP9I Bermuda Islands. From
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VP9I Bermuda Islands. From

Adrian, KO8SCA will be active as VP9I from Bermuda Islands, IOTA NA – 005 in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020.,…

5R8SS Madagascar. From
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5R8SS Madagascar. From

Sandro, IN3PPH will be active as 5R8SS from Andilana, Madagascar Island, IOTA AF – 013 and Nosy Be Island, IOTA AF – 053, when the…

YL Raisa introduces how to spell Russian Callsigns during a QSO
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YL Raisa introduces how to spell Russian Callsigns during a QSO

YL Raisa introduces how to spell Russian Callsigns during a QSO Antenna 3D Print – 3 element 2m (145 MHz) Ultra Portable yagi May 26,…

The Most Advanced DMR & 4G LTE Radio – RFinder B1
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The Most Advanced DMR & 4G LTE Radio – RFinder B1

The Most Advanced DMR & 4G LTE Radio – RFinder B1 The RFinder B1 is the most advanced Dual Band (VHF/UHF) DMR Transceiver combined with an embedded…

Getting Started On Ham Radio Satellites With Sean KX9X
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Getting Started On Ham Radio Satellites With Sean KX9X

Getting Started On Ham Radio Satellites With Sean KX9X Antenna The PackTenna Mini 9:1 Random Wire Antenna Antenna October 21, 2019 No comments Read…

Sensori indossabili stampati sulla pelle
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Sensori indossabili stampati sulla pelle

La ricerca nel settore wearable è in continua evoluzione, complice la progressiva miniaturizzazione di sensori e circuiti elettronici e, non ultima, una maggiore attenzione e…

XR33M Chile. From
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XR33M Chile. From

Members of the Radio Club de Copiapo, CE1CPI, will be active from Chile with special call XR33M, 13 October – 13 November 2020, as XR33M.,…

AVR Studio 5
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AVR Studio 5

Il potente ambiente di sviluppo di ATMEL, giunto alla sua quinta release, supporta tutti i microprocessori da 8 a 32 bit. VR Studio è un prodotto…

Gqrx 2.13 is out!
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Gqrx 2.13 is out!

Gqrx SDR 2.13  argilo released this 15 hours ago Stereo option for UDP streaming. Script to generate AppImage. Allow scroll wheel direction to be inverted. Fixed FM…

Florida ARES Group Publishes After-Action Book
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Florida ARES Group Publishes After-Action Book

A new paperback aimed at the Amateur Radio Emergency Service Community, Power Out! After-Action Report and Improvement Plan by Susan Halbert, KG4VWI; Leland Gallup, AA3YB, and Gordon…

Power Line Noise On Your Ham Radio? How To Find AND Get it Fixed
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Power Line Noise On Your Ham Radio? How To Find AND Get it Fixed

Power Line Noise On Your Ham Radio? How To Find AND Get it Fixed Antenna 144MHz 2m Portable Yagi VHF Beam Antenna by M0UKD February…

Psicologia e colori: cosa nascondono?
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Psicologia e colori: cosa nascondono?

Colori, colori, colori…Basta guardarsi intorno per notare la miriade di colori che ci circondano, che sia in una stanza di casa, in ufficio o all’aperto….

ZF1A Cayman Islands. From
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ZF1A Cayman Islands. From

NN1C will be active as ZF1A from Cayman Islands, IOTA NA – 016 in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 24 – 25 October 2020., ZF1A…

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JOTA-JOTI è il più grande evento Scout al mondo con oltre 1 milione di Scout partecipanti in oltre 150 Paesi. L’evento si svolge il terzo…

Now Open! The 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction
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Now Open! The 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction

The 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction is now open for registration and bidding. The 2020 ARRL Online Auction includes a large assortment of QST “Product Review” items, including an…

Jamboree on the Air Takes Place this Weekend
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Jamboree on the Air Takes Place this Weekend

Scouting’s Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and concurrent Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) will be held Friday, October 16, through Sunday, October 18. A new…

OS Writing [1]: CPU sotto processo
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OS Writing [1]: CPU sotto processo

Una delle realtà dell’elettronica di oggi è che è ovunque. I motivi per cui è ovunque sono parecchi, uno dei quali è il sempre più…

7Q7RU Malawi. From
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7Q7RU Malawi. From

7Q7RU Team will be active from Malawi, 7 – 18 November 2020., 7Q7RU Malawi. From, ,

PJ4X Bonaire Island. From
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PJ4X Bonaire Island. From

W1MD will be active as PJ4X from Bonaire Island in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, IOTA SA – 006, 24 – 25 October 2020., PJ4X…

NanoVNA V2 Plus4
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NanoVNA V2 Plus4

4GHz second generation NanoVNA vector network analyzer, our own design. The V2 Plus4 is the latest hardware version with 4″ display, aluminum case, higher dynamic…

AB1OC Wins the October 2020 QST Cover Plaque Award
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AB1OC Wins the October 2020 QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the October 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “Ham Bootcamp: Getting Hams On the Air” by Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC. The QST Cover Plaque Award —…

ARRL Comments in Orbital Debris Mitigation Proceeding
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ARRL Comments in Orbital Debris Mitigation Proceeding

In comments to the FCC, ARRL targeted two specific areas of concern regarding a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) in IB Docket 18-313 — mitigation of…

2021 Edition of The ARRL Handbook and New Microcontroller Projects Book Available
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2021 Edition of The ARRL Handbook and New Microcontroller Projects Book Available

It’s here! The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications for 2021 — your complete guide to radio experimentation, discovery, and innovation — now is available. The Handbook is written by radio…

Multiple Balloons Carrying Ham Radio Payloads Launched
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Multiple Balloons Carrying Ham Radio Payloads Launched

Eleven schools across the US launched helium-filled balloons carrying amateur radio payloads on October 9. The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum live-streamed the multiple launches. The balloons…