Giorno: 20 Novembre 2020

Uno sguardo alle tecnologie del domani: il GPGPU e CUDA
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Uno sguardo alle tecnologie del domani: il GPGPU e CUDA

Negli ultimi anni, il paradigma noto come GPGPU (General Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units) ha rivoluzionato l’approccio ai problemi di High-Performance Computing (HPC), in…

Arizona Congresswoman Introduces National Amateur Radio Operators Day Resolution
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Arizona Congresswoman Introduces National Amateur Radio Operators Day Resolution

US Representative Debbie Lesko of Arizona has introduced a resolution designating April 18, 2021, as National Amateur Radio Operators Day, to recognize the important contributions of amateur…

Facing collapse, the famed Arecibo Observatory will be demolished
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Facing collapse, the famed Arecibo Observatory will be demolished

The failure of two main cables sealed the observatory’s fate By Loren Grush  The world-famous Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, known for helping scientists peer into…