Giorno: 27 Novembre 2020

Rilevamento interruzioni con Atmel ATA6870
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Rilevamento interruzioni con Atmel ATA6870

L’integrato ATA6870 di Atmel, utilizzato nel settore auto per la misura e il monitoraggio dello stato batterie nei veicoli ibridi ed elettrici, dispone di un’importante…

ARRL Asks FCC to Allow 3.4-GHz Operation until Spectrum is Occupied
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ARRL Asks FCC to Allow 3.4-GHz Operation until Spectrum is Occupied

In comments to the FCC, ARRL has argued that radio amateurs be allowed to continue shared operation in the 3.4 GHz band until 5G licensees…

2020 Amateur Radio Holiday Gift Guide
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2020 Amateur Radio Holiday Gift Guide

2020 Amateur Radio Holiday Gift Guide Antenna Ground Plane Antennas [ “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast ] December 20, 2018 No comments Ground Plane…

Connecting the MX-P50 amplifier and LDG Z11 pro tuner to the IC-705
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Connecting the MX-P50 amplifier and LDG Z11 pro tuner to the IC-705

Connecting the MX-P50 amplifier and LDG Z11 pro tuner to the IC-705. Antenna JK Antennas JK65 6 Meter Yagi May 27, 2015 No comments  …