Giorno: 28 Novembre 2020

PoE – Power-over-Ethernet
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PoE – Power-over-Ethernet

Questo articolo introduce il componente Si3402 della Silicon Labs, si tratta di un regolatore a commutazione in grado di implementare per un dispositivo la funzionalità…

Yaesu FTDX10 Official Brochure
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Yaesu FTDX10 Official Brochure

       (Click images to enlarge)

Upcoming Space Station Contact 04/12/2020
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Upcoming Space Station Contact 04/12/2020

  “An ARISS educational school contact is planned for Victor Glover KI5BKC with students at Scuola Secondaria di I grado “Anna Frank”, Pistoia, Italy. The…

Retevis RT95 Budget Dual Band Mobile Transceiver
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Retevis RT95 Budget Dual Band Mobile Transceiver

Specifications GENERAL Frequency Range VHF:144-148MHz UHF: 430~440MHz Number of Channels 200 channels Channel Spacing 25K (Wide Band) 20K(Middle Band) 12.5K (Narrow band) Phase-locked Step 2.5KHz,…

DXCommander Expedition Build & Review! Impressive Ham Radio Antenna!
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DXCommander Expedition Build & Review! Impressive Ham Radio Antenna!

Callum has created quite an impressive line of antennas that fit various ham radio use cases. Today we look at his portable offering The Expedition…

Solar Flux Hits New High & Big Flares Possible Now | Space Weather News 11.26.2020
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Solar Flux Hits New High & Big Flares Possible Now | Space Weather News 11.26.2020

Solar Flux Hits New High & Big Flares Possible Now | Space Weather News 11.26.2020 Antenna Jim W6LG Uses A Short Dipole To Demonstrate How…