Mese: Dicembre 2020

Alimentatori Flyback
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Alimentatori Flyback

Vediamo in questo articolo della rubrica Firmware Reload una breve trattazione sugli alimentatori switching di tipo flyback e sulla questione dell’isolamento tra ingresso e uscita….

New Zealand Adds Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) as Unlicensed Systems
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New Zealand Adds Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) as Unlicensed Systems

New Zealand is putting wireless power transfer (WPT) systems using 148.5 kHz to 30 MHz into the General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices (GURL-SRD)…

Advanced Operation of the IC-705
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Advanced Operation of the IC-705

JH1CBX Masaco introduces some advanced operation of the IC-705; Terminal mode, Image sharing, RTTY, FT8 and contest operation. Antenna 90’ MAGNETIC LOOP T3FD TERMINATED FOLDED…

Icom AH 705 Auto ATU for IC-705 – Review, and Mystery Solved?
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Icom AH 705 Auto ATU for IC-705 – Review, and Mystery Solved?

Automatic antenna tuner specifically designed for IC-705 Antenna 80 Meter Shortened Inverted-L Bazooka Antenna October 05, 2015 No comments Bazooka Antenna A DOUBLE BAZOOKA antenna…

New Yaesu FTdx 10 Hybrid SDR Ham Radio Review
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New Yaesu FTdx 10 Hybrid SDR Ham Radio Review

Today we take a look at the interesting freatures on the Yaesu FTdx-10 and I give you my review. Also, I explain why the FTdx-10…

The QCX-Mini 20m QRP Rig Kit Arrives
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The QCX-Mini 20m QRP Rig Kit Arrives

QCX-mini: a feature-packed, high performance, single-band 5W CW transceiver kit, with WSPR beacon and built-in alignment/test equipment. Available for 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 or…

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Questo articolo della rubrica Firmware Reload introduce la serie K di microcontrollori della famiglia Kinetis proposta da Freescale. Si tratta di microcontrollori a 32 bit…

8Q7MM Maldives. From
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8Q7MM Maldives. From

Massimo, IZ5KID is active as 8Q7MM from Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013., 8Q7MM Maldives. From, ,

Inizializzare i micro TMS570LS
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Inizializzare i micro TMS570LS

In questo articolo della rubrica Firmware Reload trattiamo le linee guida per una corretta procedura di start-up dei micro TMS570LS di TI. TMS570LS è la…

Video EME Communication. From
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Video EME Communication. From

The Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) Communications in which Ham Radio Signal sent straight up to Moon using directional antenna making using of the moon as a passive…

La migrazione verso LINUX EMBEDDED
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La migrazione verso LINUX EMBEDDED

In questo articolo si affronteranno gli step necessari per il passaggio da un qualsiasi sistema operativo verso Linux Embedded, una scelta importante che può avere…

D2FJZ Angola. From
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D2FJZ Angola. From

Paulo, CT1FJZ is currently active again from Angola as D2FJZ., D2FJZ Angola. From, ,

Why is Coax 50 Ohms?
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Why is Coax 50 Ohms?

Why is Coax 50 Ohms? Antenna 3 Element Yagi Antenna with 30/40 Loop Dipole Adder – SteppIR December 28, 2019 No comments 16 ft boom;…

ARRL ARES Volunteers Standing By to Assist if Needed in Wake of Nashville Blast
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ARRL ARES Volunteers Standing By to Assist if Needed in Wake of Nashville Blast

ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers remain ready to deploy in Williamson County, Tennessee, in the aftermath of an apparently intentional explosion early on…

Il Modulo Avnet AVT9152
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Il Modulo Avnet AVT9152

Le applicazioni IoT richiedono requisiti stringenti in termini di bassa potenza e package compatto. In tal senso il modulo Avnet AVT9152, che combina le tecnologie…

I motori brushless DC
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I motori brushless DC

Oggigiorno la presenza dei motori brushless DC in molte applicazioni ha portato i produttori di semiconduttori alla realizzazione di dispositivi dedicati al loro controllo per…

My Favorite Amateur Radio & Video Gear Of 2020
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My Favorite Amateur Radio & Video Gear Of 2020

Wrapping up 2020 with a recap on my favorite things! This list includes both gear for ham radio and video creation. I hope you enjoy…

Icom AH-705 Announced on Christmas
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Icom AH-705 Announced on Christmas

AH-705 HF/50 MHz Automatic Antenna Tuner Features Covers the 1.8 MHz to 50 MHz bands, using a long wire element 2-way power sources using alkaline…

Stadio di alimentazione per FPGA
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Stadio di alimentazione per FPGA

Questo articolo descrive i requisiti tipici da soddisfare nel progetto di uno stadio di alimentazione per FPGA. Si prenderanno in considerazione due famiglie di prodotti…

Merry Christmas and A Brexit New Year!
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Merry Christmas and A Brexit New Year!

  Well this year has certainly been one to remember, mostly for all the wrong reasons, however the extra time indoors has reignited people’s love…

Solar Flux and Fast Wind Boost for the Holidays | Solar Storm Forecast 12.24.2020
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Solar Flux and Fast Wind Boost for the Holidays | Solar Storm Forecast 12.24.2020

Solar Flux and Fast Wind Boost for the Holidays | Solar Storm Forecast 12.24.2020 Antenna MONO 3 40 MOXON January 14, 2017 No comments MONO…

Reacting to Capacitance, Inductance, Resistance, Frequency
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Reacting to Capacitance, Inductance, Resistance, Frequency

Reacting to Capacitance, Inductance, Resistance, Frequency Antenna W4OP Loop Antenna January 12, 2017 No comments It seems that more and more, amateurs are facing increasingly…

New Product MFJ-4713
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New Product MFJ-4713

This MFJ-4713 HF 4-Position Remote Antenna Switch lets you switch between four antennas remotely. Covers 1.8 to 30 MHz. Run one coax from the indoor…

Ham radio and Linux – Stop your radio from automatically becoming the default audio device.
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Ham radio and Linux – Stop your radio from automatically becoming the default audio device.

A simple change to make, it saves me time manually setting my default back to the computer every time I power up or plug in…

Small Circuits Revival – Relè ad alta efficienza energetica (Parte 2)
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Small Circuits Revival – Relè ad alta efficienza energetica (Parte 2)

Il seguente articolo rappresenta il sequel di “Small Circuits Revival – Relè ad alta efficienza energetica”, tratto dal magazine Elektor e pubblicato in Firmware 2.0…