Giorno: 7 Dicembre 2020

Controllo motore Brushless con Z8 Encore!
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Controllo motore Brushless con Z8 Encore!

In questo articolo analizzeremo gli Z8 Encore!, in particolare come pilotare i motori brushless attraverso questi microcontrollori. Introduzione Lo Zilog Z8 Encore! è un microcontrollore…

Croatia Gets 40MHz (8m Band)
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Croatia Gets 40MHz (8m Band)

  News over the weekend is that Croatia has become the latest in a very short list of countries allowed to use the 40MHz (8m)…

PJ4/PA5X Bonaire. From
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PJ4/PA5X Bonaire. From

Johannes, PJ4/PA5X will be active from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA – 006, 6 – 10 December 2020., PJ4/PA5X Bonaire. From, ,

Ham Radio Deluxe
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Ham Radio Deluxe

Read this BEFORE you download and install this software. Keys formatted like “ASDF-QWER-ZXCV-ASDF” will NOT work. That software license server was replaced in July 2019….