Giorno: 18 Dicembre 2020

Ottimizzare la memoria su MSP430 e μC/OS-II
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Ottimizzare la memoria su MSP430 e μC/OS-II

Questo articolo mostra come utilizzare un Micrium C/OS-II real-time kernel su MSP430 soltanto con un piccolo consumo supplementare di memoria. Vedremo alcuni suggerimenti sull’utilizzo delle…

Yaesu FT-991A and FTDX10 Size Comparison
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Yaesu FT-991A and FTDX10 Size Comparison

  A photo showing the size of the new Yaesu FTDX10 in relation the existing FT-991A has been posted by John Kruk or Yaesu USA….

SSTV Event to Help ARISS Mark 20 Years of Continuous Ham Radio Operation in Space
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SSTV Event to Help ARISS Mark 20 Years of Continuous Ham Radio Operation in Space

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will continue its year-long 20th anniversary celebration of continuous ham radio operation from the ISS this month,…

Yaesu FT DX10 Unboxing, First Impressions and Visual Comparison to the Icom IC-7300 / FTDX10 FT-DX10
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Yaesu FT DX10 Unboxing, First Impressions and Visual Comparison to the Icom IC-7300 / FTDX10 FT-DX10

Yaesu FT DX10 Unboxing, First Impressions and Visual Comparison to the Icom IC-7300 / FTDX10 FT-DX10 Antenna Four-square eight directions antenna system, with dummy load…

Contest University to Host Propagation Summit
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Contest University to Host Propagation Summit

Several radio propagation experts will share their knowledge during a Propagation Summit via Zoom, sponsored by Contest University (CTU). The event is scheduled for January…

Logbook of The World to be Offline for Approximately 6 Hours
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Logbook of The World to be Offline for Approximately 6 Hours

Logbook of The World (LoTW), ARRL’s online QSO confirmation system, will undergo scheduled maintenance beginning Monday, December 21, at 2300 UTC (6 PM EST) for…