Giorno: 30 Gennaio 2021

L’IoT e il Cloud nei sistemi Smart Home
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L’IoT e il Cloud nei sistemi Smart Home

I sistemi per la Smart Home hanno raggiunto una grande popolarità negli ultimi decenni in quanto contribuiscono ad aumentare il comfort e la qualità della…

JD1BQA Komagari Ogasawara Islands. From
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JD1BQA Komagari Ogasawara Islands. From

Takio, JH3QFL will be active as JD1BQA from Komagari, Chichijima Island, IOTA AS – 031, Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, 1 – 7 May 2021., JD1BQA Komagari…

DXCC Most Wanted 2021. From
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DXCC Most Wanted 2021. From

DXCC Most wanted countries 2021 Club Log version. Updated 28 January 2021., DXCC Most Wanted 2021. From, ,

ARISS and Partners Are Investigating Space Station Ham Radio Failure
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ARISS and Partners Are Investigating Space Station Ham Radio Failure

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) and its partners are troubleshooting a failure within the on-board NA1SS amateur station in the ISS Columbus module. The…

RadFxSat-2 Signals Detected, AMSAT Engineering Continues to Assess Status
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RadFxSat-2 Signals Detected, AMSAT Engineering Continues to Assess Status

by Paul Stoetzer On January 27th, Brad Schumacher, W5SAT, reported copying his CW signal weakly via the RadFxSat-2 transponder. On the morning of January 28th, AMSAT…