Mese: Gennaio 2021

Solar Storm Graze & Red Planet Rendezvous
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Solar Storm Graze & Red Planet Rendezvous

Solar Storm Graze & Red Planet Rendezvous Antenna 8 EL. DELTA LOOP 144 MHz (144DL8) – SMARTECH December 06, 2016 No comments   DELTA LOOP:…

Implementazione di un PWM a 16 bit con un 8051
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Implementazione di un PWM a 16 bit con un 8051

Questo articolo descrive l’implementazione di un generatore PWM a 16 bit utilizzando la periferica Programmable Counter Array in modalità “High-Speed Output” del microcontrollore C8051F000 della…

Video Voice of Victory. From
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Video Voice of Victory. From

How radio equipment helped to win World War II., Video Voice of Victory. From, ,

JW/LB2PG Bear Island. From
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JW/LB2PG Bear Island. From

Erling, JW/LB2PG will be active again from Bear Island, IOTA EU – 027, until 1 June 2021., JW/LB2PG Bear Island. From, ,

TO°BE Watch: il nuovo smartwatch amico della salute
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TO°BE Watch: il nuovo smartwatch amico della salute

TO°BE Watch è il nuovo smartwatch che consente la misurazione della temperatura corporea, pressione sanguigna, saturazione e frequenza cardiaca, un dispositivo che rappresenta una soluzione…

Implementazione del bootloader
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Implementazione del bootloader

Il bootloader è uno strumento fondamentale e indispensabile per l’aggiornamento del codice applicativo di un microcontrollore. Questo articolo, basato su un Application Note di Microchip,…

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Team
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QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Team

“The first QSO Today Expo was a great success with over 16,000 attendees and the March 13-14, 2021 event is anticipated to be even larger….

FTDX10 – Top 5 Features
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FTDX10 – Top 5 Features

– Hybrid SDR Configuration Like the FTDX101 series, the new FTDX10 utilizes the Yaesu Hybrid SDR configuration – Narrow Band SDR and Direct Sampling SDR….

2021 AM Rally Set for First Weekend in February
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2021 AM Rally Set for First Weekend in February

The 2021 running of the AM Rally will take place from 0000 UTC on Saturday, February 6 to 0700 UTC on Monday, February 8. The annual AM…

FCC Invites Comments on Expanding the Number of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators
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FCC Invites Comments on Expanding the Number of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators

In a January 5 Public Notice, the FCC requested comments on whether the current 14 Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs) are sufficient to facilitate the efforts of…

Caratterizzazione di una camera CCD
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Caratterizzazione di una camera CCD

L’acquisto di una camera CCD ad alte prestazioni è spesso un processo difficile e confuso; due strumenti con specifiche apparentemente identiche possono rivelare prestazioni completamente…

Civility in Ham Radio: The Amateur’s Code
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Civility in Ham Radio: The Amateur’s Code

The Amateur’s Code was written in 1928 and very much applies today. Let’s take a look at the Code and how it can improve civility…

Sistemi operativi real time: quale scegliere?
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Sistemi operativi real time: quale scegliere?

In questo articolo vedremo quali sono le ragioni che inducono alla scelta di un sistema real time ed i criteri di scelta del giusto prodotto….

Does Off-Grid Solar Energy Interfere With Ham Radio?
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Does Off-Grid Solar Energy Interfere With Ham Radio?

“A lot of viewers asked to see how bad the interference was on my receive when my RV is running off-grid with solar only. In…

Icom IC-705 PAT Winlink Setup | Ham Radio Raspberry Pi
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Icom IC-705 PAT Winlink Setup | Ham Radio Raspberry Pi

“Hello Operators Todays video is a Ham Radio Raspberry Pi tutorial for the Icom IC-705 and eventually other radios. We will be using a new…

Yaesu FTdx10 Unboxing
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Yaesu FTdx10 Unboxing

ML&S display the very first unboxing of the FTdx10 in the United Kingdom. As the U.K’s only official Yaesu independent factory appointed distributor, Martin &…

HF Antennas for Beginners: Tuesdays with Tim and Jeff
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HF Antennas for Beginners: Tuesdays with Tim and Jeff

“We are bringing in 2021 with Tuesdays with Tim, K3LR and Jeff,KB8ZWT discussing HF antennas. Did you recently upgrade from tech to general? Than you…

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In this video we’ll show you how to use your computer, SDR dongle and some free software to add a panadapter display to your older,…

Cosa sono i sensori CCD e perché ci aiutano ad osservare le stelle
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Cosa sono i sensori CCD e perché ci aiutano ad osservare le stelle

I dispositivi ad accoppiamento di carica, chiamati anche CCD (dall’inglese Charge Coupled Device), sono circuiti integrati in grado di accumulare carica elettrica in modo proporzionale…

Yaesu FT-DX10 And Icom IC-7300, Side By Side Comparisons
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Yaesu FT-DX10 And Icom IC-7300, Side By Side Comparisons

“This is an unofficial side by side comparison of the 2 receivers while incorporating the noise reduction and filtering features of the two. I am…

ICOM 705, Sending/Receiving Email At 5 Watts, 40 Meters With Chameleon F-Loop 2.0, VARA HF
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ICOM 705, Sending/Receiving Email At 5 Watts, 40 Meters With Chameleon F-Loop 2.0, VARA HF

Using my new Icom IC-705 at 5 watts on the porch of my RV to connect to a Vara HF Winlink node 693km away on…

When Can I Get an Amp for Ham Radio?
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When Can I Get an Amp for Ham Radio?

When Can I Get an Amp for Ham Radio? Antenna LOOP RX 160/80/40 September 23, 2015 No comments LOOP RX 160/80/40 Technical specifications 160m Gain…

Best Ham Radio Hotspot for Early 2021 – DMR YSF DSTAR Hotspot
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Best Ham Radio Hotspot for Early 2021 – DMR YSF DSTAR Hotspot

What is the Best Ham Radio Hotspot coming out of 2020 into 2021? Today I talk about my favorite Ham Radio Hotspot for DMR, YSF,…

Protezione dati nelle memorie flash
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Protezione dati nelle memorie flash

Analizziamo in questo articolo per la rubrica Firmware Reload alcuni semplici accorgimenti per evitare di perdere i propri dati memorizzati su dispositivi di memoria flash….

Happy New Year 2021 From Dave M0OGY
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Happy New Year 2021 From Dave M0OGY

Video:YouTube/M0OGY The latest video from Dave, M0OGY….