Mese: Febbraio 2021

Making IoT: scopri il potenziale dell’open source per i tuoi progetti
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Making IoT: scopri il potenziale dell’open source per i tuoi progetti

Il mondo dell’IoT è molto variegato ed è un mercato con tantissime opportunità. Making IoT è un percorso dove scoprirai come poter realizzare qualsiasi progetto…

Making IoT: realizza le tue soluzioni con il potere dell’open source
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Making IoT: realizza le tue soluzioni con il potere dell’open source

Il mondo dell’IoT è molto frastagliato, a volte può sembrare confusionario: eppure ha un grosso potenziale. Basta pensare che, nel solo 2020, che non è…

5H1IP Zanzibar. From
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5H1IP Zanzibar. From

Gabor, HA3JB will be active as 5H1IP from Unguja Island, Zanzibar, IOTA AF – 032, 20 – 30 September 2021., 5H1IP Zanzibar. From, ,

PX0N Fernando de Noronha. From
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PX0N Fernando de Noronha. From

PX0N Team will be active from Fernando de Noronha Islands, IOTA SA – 003, in May – June 2021., PX0N Fernando de Noronha. From,…

Sensori di movimento Panasonic Industry per applicazioni di Building Automation
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Sensori di movimento Panasonic Industry per applicazioni di Building Automation

La misurazione e il monitoraggio costante di parametri ambientali è un aspetto fondamentale nelle applicazioni di Smart Home e Smart Building. In tal modo possono…

0 Ham Radio Shack From Aliexpress?
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$760 Ham Radio Shack From Aliexpress?

$760 Ham Radio Shack From Aliexpress? Antenna Simple Multi-Band Vertical Dipole by DJ0IP March 25, 2015 No comments   Simple Multi-Band Vertical Dipole This simple…

ACOM – Manufacturers Showcase
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ACOM – Manufacturers Showcase

ACOM team to discuss the latest amplifier technology. Tune in and ask the team questions. Antenna CX-AUTO Switch – Kessler Engineering, LLC December 29, 2017…

La progettazione dei Filtri di Butterworth
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La progettazione dei Filtri di Butterworth

Come progettare un filtro di Butterworth per applicazioni generiche che richiedono un elevato livello di selettività e un ottimo livello di integrazione circuitale. Un filtro…

President Randy III – UK Price Revealed
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President Randy III – UK Price Revealed

Knights here in the UK have become the first to offer the new President Randy III at a price of £189.00 The radio is expected…

ARRL Interview Explains Background of Ham Radio in Space Film Short
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ARRL Interview Explains Background of Ham Radio in Space Film Short

Josh Tanner, the Australian filmmaker who produced the thriller Decommissioned  by Perception Pictures, has explained how he came up with the idea to develop the movie…

Amateur Radio Helping to Fill Earthquake Report “Donut Holes”
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Amateur Radio Helping to Fill Earthquake Report “Donut Holes”

An article describing how radio amateurs can help fill the information “donut hole” by providing post-earthquake “did you feel it” (DYFI) reports via Winlink HF radio email appeared on…

Mystery Box! ARRL Expo At Home Surprise Pack
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Mystery Box! ARRL Expo At Home Surprise Pack

The ARRL offered surprise boxes as part of their ‘Expo at Home’ for the 2021 Orlando Hamcation. I ordered a mystery apparel pack and a…

Another Difficult Antenna Situation
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Another Difficult Antenna Situation

Tim, W4FTP, asks how he can use some tall but skinny trees along the back of his property as part of his antenna system. We…

“Whirlwind Boom” Emergency Communications Exercise Set in Northern Florida
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“Whirlwind Boom” Emergency Communications Exercise Set in Northern Florida

The amateur radio communications team of the Florida Baptist Disaster Relief has created a multi-site radio communications exercise dubbed “Whirlwind Boom,” designed to bring together…

Small Circuits Revival – Relè ad alta efficienza energetica (Parte 3)
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Small Circuits Revival – Relè ad alta efficienza energetica (Parte 3)

In quest’ultima variazione dello “stairwell lamp circuit” cambieremo la tensione di rete. Ma attenzione: questo può essere letale! Se non hai ancora alcuna esperienza con…

Controllo automatico del livello di un serbatoio
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Controllo automatico del livello di un serbatoio

Il problema di controllo e monitoraggio è uno dei più importanti negli ambienti industriali, da questo derivano le azioni che governano i cicli produttivi nonché…

Ham Radio experiment – End fed half wave antenna sloper vs flat horizontal orientation
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Ham Radio experiment – End fed half wave antenna sloper vs flat horizontal orientation

Antenna The New Carolina Windom By Len Carlson, K4IWL January 05, 2016 No comments “ As with all ham stations QRO or QRP, ten percent…

A Filament Slingshots Towards Earth | Solar Storm Forecast 02.22.2021
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A Filament Slingshots Towards Earth | Solar Storm Forecast 02.22.2021

Antenna 4 x 5el Yagi 20m Stack March 04, 2020 No comments Read more A High Efficiency Extended Length Mobile Antenna May 08, 2016 No…

Raspberry Pi Pico: come si programma con VS Code?
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Raspberry Pi Pico: come si programma con VS Code?

Negli episodi precedenti abbiamo visto che cos’è Raspberry Pi Pico e come si utilizza. Abbiamo visto come poterla gestire in modi differenti, e in questo…

La moderna tecnologia QR nell’automazione industriale e commerciale
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La moderna tecnologia QR nell’automazione industriale e commerciale

Nel corso degli anni, molte tendenze tecnologiche si sono succedute. Tuttavia, alcune sono riuscite a resistere nonostante previsioni sulla loro imminente fine. Una di queste…

JW6VDA Svalbard. From
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JW6VDA Svalbard. From

Tom, LA6VDA will be active again from Svalbard Islands, IOTA EU – 026, 26 April – 9 May 2021, as JW6VDA., JW6VDA Svalbard. From,…

J68HZ Saint Lucia Island. From
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J68HZ Saint Lucia Island. From

J68HZ Team will be active from Saint Lucia Island, IOTA NA – 108, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 6 – 7 March 2021., J68HZ Saint…

SmartSDR for iOS v3.9.12 Now Available
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SmartSDR for iOS v3.9.12 Now Available

Marcus, DL8MRE announces that release of SmartSDR for iOS v3.9.12 is now available for download or update from the Apple App Store. SmartSDR is a…

A direct hit! The solarstorm our Sun launched is confirmed to be Earth-directed!
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A direct hit! The solarstorm our Sun launched is confirmed to be Earth-directed!

A direct hit! The #solarstorm our #Sun launched is confirmed to be Earth-directed! NASA prediction models show impact early February 23. Because Earth’s shield is…

Radioddity Raddy RW3 Go-Kit-Type Radio AM/FM/WX, Phone Charger and More
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Radioddity Raddy RW3 Go-Kit-Type Radio AM/FM/WX, Phone Charger and More

Radioddity Raddy RW3 Go-Kit-Type Radio AM/FM/WX, Phone Charger and More [Small Size But All-Purpose] Unlike other FM/AM/NOAA radios, the RW3 is a Bluetooth speaker with…