Giorno: 4 Febbraio 2021

Cyber-Security e Industry 4.0: stato dell’arte e trend futuri
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Cyber-Security e Industry 4.0: stato dell’arte e trend futuri

L’evoluzione industriale è ormai in atto! Tutti i rami industriali a livello mondiale sono coinvolti per non rimanere indietro rispetto alla concorrenza del proprio settore,…

ARISS is Seeking Hosts for Ham Radio Contacts with the Space Station
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ARISS is Seeking Hosts for Ham Radio Contacts with the Space Station

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is seeking formal and informal educational institutions and organizations, individually or working together, to host amateur radio…

MARS Announces Schedule of Dates for 60-Meter Interoperability
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MARS Announces Schedule of Dates for 60-Meter Interoperability

The Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) has announced dates in 2021 during which MARS members will operate on 60 meters for interoperability with the amateur radio community. Some dates coincide with…

An Aircraft Tale That Applies to Ham Radio
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An Aircraft Tale That Applies to Ham Radio

An Aircraft Tale That Applies to Ham Radio Antenna MFJ-856 Line Noise Meter w/ 3 Element Beam April 20, 2015 No comments   Walk or…

European Union DX Contest to Debut
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European Union DX Contest to Debut

The European Union DX Contest Club (EUDXCC) has announced the debut of the European Union DX Contest February 6 – 7 and on the first…

Plans to Retrieve Titanic Wireless Equipment Put on Indefinite Hold
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Plans to Retrieve Titanic Wireless Equipment Put on Indefinite Hold

RMS Titanic, Inc., (RMST) the company that owns salvage rights to the Titanic shipwreck, has indefinitely put off its plans to retrieve the vessel’s radio equipment for…