Giorno: 5 Febbraio 2021

MPLAB®Harmony: il Framework targato Microchip
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MPLAB®Harmony: il Framework targato Microchip

In questo testo affronteremo l’ambiente di sviluppo MPLAB di Microchip, soffermandoci soprattutto sul nuovo tool di sviluppo MPLAB® Harmony Frameworks. Questo ambiente di lavoro è…

UA9BA Spitfire Collinear Arrays at UA2FW’s.. From
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UA9BA Spitfire Collinear Arrays at UA2FW’s.. From

Sergey UA2FW called me on phone one evening in late August 2020 and invited me to the group of fine operators for the CQWW CW…

IARU Receives Gift of Domain
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IARU Receives Gift of Domain

Andrew J. Wolfram, KI7RYC, has donated the domain to the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) for non-profit educational use to promote the amateur and amateur satellite…

New Arrival! Dual Mode Portable Repeater RT97P
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New Arrival! Dual Mode Portable Repeater RT97P

Dual Mode Portable Repeater RT97P will come. It is similar to the portable repeater RT97. Now we have the RT97 GMRS band, and this RT97P is…

Why Won’t My 80-Meter Dipole Cover the Whole Band?
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Why Won’t My 80-Meter Dipole Cover the Whole Band?

Why Won’t My 80-Meter Dipole Cover the Whole Band? Antenna 100 ft Tilting Tower January 11, 2021 No comments Raising a 100 ft tower with…