Mese: Febbraio 2021

Un sistema Multisensoriale per la Smart Home – Parte 1
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Un sistema Multisensoriale per la Smart Home – Parte 1

Questo articolo descrive un approccio all’utilizzo della tecnologia in modo pratico e significativo all’interno di un sistema di casa intelligente, che può essere implementato in…

CAPE-3 CubeSat Launched
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CAPE-3 CubeSat Launched

The University of Louisiana (UL) at Lafayette student-built CAPE-3 satellite was launched on January 17. A 1-U CubeSat, CAPE-3 includes a “digipeater and experimental UHF adaptive radio.”…

New! Wattmeter HF/50 MHz  FX773 3/5 kWatt
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New! Wattmeter HF/50 MHz FX773 3/5 kWatt

Technical Features VECTOR SWR/POWER METER METROPWR FX773Coverage 1.8/55 MHz 160/6mtHF/55MHz Measure Power AVG, PeP, dBm, R, Z, |X| , SWR, FrequencyWide Autoranging Power range 0.5W/5kW…

PA500 ultra-compact RF amplifier with tuner
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PA500 ultra-compact RF amplifier with tuner

PA500 linear amplifier with integrated automatic antenna tuner for your next adventure.The complete solution to conquer limitations unique form-factor we really like the Discovery TX-500…

Ham Radio Off Grid | Winter Field Day 2021 AAR
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Ham Radio Off Grid | Winter Field Day 2021 AAR

Hello Operators Todays discussion, operating a portable ham radio station off grid, during winter field day 2021. Like many other ham radio operators, I operated…

Ham Radio vs CB
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Ham Radio vs CB

Ham Radio vs CB, Citizen’s Band Radio – Ham Radio compared to CB frequencies and modes – which ones is better? Today let’s talk about…

Raspberry Pi Pico: come usarla con Thonny
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Raspberry Pi Pico: come usarla con Thonny

In questa serie abbiamo iniziato a scoprire Raspberry Pi Pico: la prima scheda a microcontrollore di casa Raspberry Pi. In questo episodio muoviamo un passo…

Pianificazione ottima per un robot E-Puck con feedback visivo
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Pianificazione ottima per un robot E-Puck con feedback visivo

Il problema della pianificazione del percorso per robot mobili è sempre stato oggetto di ricerca, sin dalle prime applicazioni della robotica. Oggi, con l’avvento dell’Industria…

CB Radio Chat with Steve Stevens
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CB Radio Chat with Steve Stevens

  Well known and respected CB Radio operator Steve Stevens has recently started doing some live broadcasts on YouTube on Wednesday and Sunday evenings where he…

President Randy III – Price Revealed!
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President Randy III – Price Revealed!

  The new President Randy III AM/FM CB Radio handheld has been eagerly anticipated by many but the main problem would always be the price… …

President Richard 10/11 Meter Export Radio Overview + Hidden Menu
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President Richard 10/11 Meter Export Radio Overview + Hidden Menu

Video:YouTube/cbradiomagazine An in-depth look at the President Richard 10/11m radio including the export mod and engineering menu… – Rotary switch channel selector– Volume adjustment and…

Wideband Desktop Discone Antenna – 25 MHZ – 2000 MHz Coverage
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Wideband Desktop Discone Antenna – 25 MHZ – 2000 MHz Coverage

“Here we take a look at the Skyscan Desktop antenna with a rated frequency range of between 25 Mhz up to 2 Ghz. We test…

Freescale Kinetis L series: massima efficienza dal punto di vista energetico
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Freescale Kinetis L series: massima efficienza dal punto di vista energetico

Nuovo appuntamento con la rubrica Firmware Reload. I nuovi MCU 32 bit sono stati progettati per trasformare le applicazioni industriali e consumer che utilizzano architetture…

The South West Wales Net
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The South West Wales Net

Another regular net here in the UK with The South West Wales Net which takes place every Saturday evening at 19:00 hours GMT on 27.505…

27.305 Net on Zello
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27.305 Net on Zello

  Popular CB’er and Youtuber, Fred In The Shed has launched a new Zello channel for the 27.305 Net. You can find it by searching for…

Radioastronomia: dalla Luna ai confini del cosmo
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Radioastronomia: dalla Luna ai confini del cosmo

Raspberry Pi Pico: programmazione con Thonny
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Raspberry Pi Pico: programmazione con Thonny

Abbiamo iniziato il 2021 scoprendo Raspberry Pi Pico: la nuova scheda a micro controllore di casa Raspberry Pi e in un primo articolo abbiamo cominciato…

J79WTA Dominica Island. From
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J79WTA Dominica Island. From

Walter, HB9MFM will be active again from Dominica Island until 3 February 2017 as J79WTA., J79WTA Dominica Island. From, ,

Il futuro prossimo dell’Automazione Industriale basata sull’IoT e il microcontrollore Arduino
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Il futuro prossimo dell’Automazione Industriale basata sull’IoT e il microcontrollore Arduino

In ambiente industriale i PLC sono normalmente utilizzati per l’automazione delle macchine. I PLC sono lo standard industriale per diversi motivi: sono robusti e costruiti…

Ham Radio vs GMRS
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Ham Radio vs GMRS

Ham Radio vs GMRS – Ham Radio compared to GMRS frequencies and modes – which ones is better? Today let’s talk about both of them,…

New ICOM IC-705 Features! New Firmware!
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New ICOM IC-705 Features! New Firmware!

New ICOM IC-705 Features! New Firmware! Antenna W1ZR Wins August QST Cover Plaque Award August 14, 2016 No comments The winning article for the August…

Automazione misure e acquisizione dati: il software LabView
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Automazione misure e acquisizione dati: il software LabView

Già da qualche tempo si è reso necessario organizzare il più possibile il lavoro in modalità smart working; al di là dei problemi legati al…

Where Can I Put My HF Antenna?
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Where Can I Put My HF Antenna?

Where Can I Put My HF Antenna? Antenna The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas April 12, 2018 No comments “There was a time, back…

World Radio Day 2021
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World Radio Day 2021

Proclaimed in 2011 by the Member States of UNESCO, and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as an International Day, February 13…

Ham Radio Forms a Planet-Sized Space Weather Sensor Network
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Ham Radio Forms a Planet-Sized Space Weather Sensor Network

The article “Ham Radio Forms a Planet-Sized Space Weather Sensor Network,” appeared on February 9 in Eos, Earth & Space Science News — an American Geophysical Union (AGU) publication….