Giorno: 9 Marzo 2021

Come programmare un microcontrollore ARM in Linguaggio Assembly – Parte 1
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Come programmare un microcontrollore ARM in Linguaggio Assembly – Parte 1

Descriviamo in questo articolo l’architettura ARM, ampiamente diffusa tra i sistemi embedded grazie, appunto, alle sue caratteristiche. Architettura RISC a basso consumo elettrico, le cui…

RI0FM Moneron Island. From
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RI0FM Moneron Island. From

RI0FM Team will be active from Moneron Island, IOTA AS – 149, RR-16-01, RDA SL-16, WFF RFF-193, Russia, 15 – 31 July 2021., RI0FM Moneron…

Ham Radio – Icom 705 remote control with a cell phone app!
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Ham Radio – Icom 705 remote control with a cell phone app!

Antenna The Antenna SA-680HP covers 10 through 80 meters January 26, 2015 No comments       The SA-680HP covers 10 through 80 meters  with…

Shark HF Stick Mobile Hamstick Antenna Review
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Shark HF Stick Mobile Hamstick Antenna Review

Shark Antennas Hamsticks are mono band HF antennas that consist of a fiberglass mast with integrated coil and 48 inch stainless steel whip. In this…

Ham Radio Simple Accessories for Newcomers
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Ham Radio Simple Accessories for Newcomers

Peter Waters G3OJV, talks about five simple accessories that he uses and recommends, for new ham operators. He also explains why Antenna KT36XA – M2…

3,000 person passes Foundation exam via remote invigilation
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3,000 person passes Foundation exam via remote invigilation

“We’re delighted that the 3,000th person has just passed their Foundation licence via remote invigilation! Congratulations to them and welcome to everyone who has become…