Giorno: 25 Marzo 2021

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Raccolta di energia in radiofrequenza: che fine ha fatto la rectenna?

La raccolta di energia proveniente da fonti alternative può avvenire sfruttando diversi tipi di sorgenti quali l’energia termica, chimica, solare, etc. di cui sicuramente avrete…

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Dal MISE novità importanti!

E’ molto importante per noi radioamatori prendere nota di quanto è stato pubblicato dalla Gazzetta Ufficiale CLICCA QUI PER SCARICARE  

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Dual Band Moxon Antenna 10m/6m

Dual band Moxon antenna (2 + 3 elements) for 10m and 6m, ideal for Sporadic-E or DX. Dualband Moxon Antenna for 10 and 6m Not…

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Finger Morse CW Straight Key / Finger mounted PTT switch

The Finger Morse CW Straight Key is a very simple product that allows you to easily continue operating your Morse Code QRP Ham Radio while…

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CompacTenna VHF/UHF Stealth But EFFECTIVE antenna, Review and On-Air Test

Check out this CompacTenna dual band ham antenna, only 7.5″ tall and can be used for mobile OR base applications. I also have the CompacTenna…

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Cooperative Effort Under Way to Resolve Potential 70-Centimeter Interference Issue

ARRL, the FCC, and the US Department of Defense are cooperating in an effort to eliminate the possibility of amateur radio interference on 70 centimeters…