Mese: Marzo 2021

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Video:YouTube/Radio Rev – G5REV There’s been a lot of conversation recently about OFCOM’s proposal for EMC compliance in relation to Amateur Radio operators, so here’s…

Gestire una SD con un micro
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Gestire una SD con un micro

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload. Vedremo in questo articolo come accedere ad una memoria SD su porta SPI. I dispositivi…

President Randy III CB radio (Handheld) – Overview & Servicing
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President Randy III CB radio (Handheld) – Overview & Servicing

Video:YouTube/UK FM CB radio servicing A very interesting video as Richard takes a look inside the new President Randy III and makes adjustments to the…

Amateur radio satellites deploy March 14
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Amateur radio satellites deploy March 14

Eight satellites, all coordinated by the IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel, are planned to be deployed from the International Space Station on Sunday, March 14….

ACOM Company Tour. HF power amplifier production
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ACOM Company Tour. HF power amplifier production

ACOM Company Tour. HF power amplifier production – ACOM 1010, ACOM 1000, ACOM 700S, ACOM 1200S, ACOM 1010, ACOM 1500, ACOM 2100 and ACOM 2000A….

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“FlexRadio and SkySat are pleased to announce the Tuner Genius XL. The Tuner Genius XL is designed to complement the FLEX-6000 series and the Power…

Heil Sound PR-40 Black Unboxing, Kiwi SDR Overview & Yaesu Cashback!
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Heil Sound PR-40 Black Unboxing, Kiwi SDR Overview & Yaesu Cashback!

Heil Sound PR-40 Black Unboxing, Kiwi SDR Overview & Yaesu Cashback! Antenna IS THIS THE ULTIMATE 2M CONTEST ARRAY? December 16, 2016 No comments 2…

How to use the Icom IC-705 with the Xiegu XPA125B Amp
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How to use the Icom IC-705 with the Xiegu XPA125B Amp

“This was part of the ARRL International DX Contest for SSB at our hunting lease, operating as KN5TR. We used the Icom IC-705 pushing a…

Un sistema Multisensoriale per la Smart Home – Parte 2
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Un sistema Multisensoriale per la Smart Home – Parte 2

Nell’articolo “Un sistema Multisensoriale per la Smart Home – Parte 1” abbiamo descritto i componenti del progetto Multisensore, il funzionamento del circuito e come realizzarlo…

Tuesday AM NET – First Legal Net of 2021
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Tuesday AM NET – First Legal Net of 2021

Video:YouTube/AMC Dougie Fresh Following the relaxation of Covid restrictions in the UK, the AM guys are back on the air with their net on 27.125Mhz,…

Video DL1FY CQ WW 160m CW Contest. From
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Video DL1FY CQ WW 160m CW Contest. From

Video DL1FY CQ WW DX CW Contest 2021., Video DL1FY CQ WW 160m CW Contest. From, ,

Registration Now Open for HamSCI Workshop 2021
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Registration Now Open for HamSCI Workshop 2021

Registration is now open for the 2021 HamSCI Workshop, Friday and Saturday, March 19 – 20. The theme of this year’s workshop is midlatitude ionospheric science. The…

La nuova serie di MCU a 32 bit di RENESAS
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La nuova serie di MCU a 32 bit di RENESAS

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la rubrica Firmware Reload. Analizziamo in questo articolo la serie RX220 che garantisce prestazioni elevate a 50 DMIPS e…

Fully Wireless ICOM IC-705 to Computer Connection for Digital Modes (WSJT-X, JS8Call, WinLink)
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Fully Wireless ICOM IC-705 to Computer Connection for Digital Modes (WSJT-X, JS8Call, WinLink)

-The dream of completely wireless connection between radio and computer is a reality with Firmware 1.20 on the ICOM IC-705. I know have a few…

Shark Antennas, 48″ 2m/6m/70cm 5/8 Wave Magnet Mount Antenna Review/Update
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Shark Antennas, 48″ 2m/6m/70cm 5/8 Wave Magnet Mount Antenna Review/Update

“After 5 months of using this antenna, I owe a follow up as I mentioned in my original video. This antenna has been a solid…

Alla scoperta dell’ESP32
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Alla scoperta dell’ESP32

Nell’articolo di oggi, vogliamo presentarvi un microcontrollore dalle potenzialità quasi infinite, basti pensare che supera di gran lunga il famosissimo ESP8266! Andremo a scoprire quali…

President Randy III – Hidden Engineering Menu
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President Randy III – Hidden Engineering Menu

  For those of you who want that little bit more from your £200 President Randy III you can find the ‘hidden’ engineering menu by…

Spacewalk Could Return ARISS Ham Station in ISS Columbus Module to the Air
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Spacewalk Could Return ARISS Ham Station in ISS Columbus Module to the Air

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) reports that efforts to determine what’s keeping the ham station in the ISS Columbus module off the…

23-Centimeter Band in Region 1 Under Discussion Ahead of WRC-23
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23-Centimeter Band in Region 1 Under Discussion Ahead of WRC-23

In advance of World Radiocommunication Conference 23 (WRC-23), the amateur radio allocation at 1240 – 1300 MHz (23 centimeters) remains in the spotlight in International…

Report: Radio Amateurs in Israel Lose Access to Much Microwave Spectrum
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Report: Radio Amateurs in Israel Lose Access to Much Microwave Spectrum

Radio amateurs in Israel have lost much of their spectrum between 1 and 6 GHz and suffered a “draconian” power reduction on 10 GHz, according…

Maritime Radio Day is Set for April
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Maritime Radio Day is Set for April

The 10th anniversary of Maritime Radio Day (MRD) will take place from 1200 UTC on April 14 to 2200 UTC on April 15. The annual…

North Carolina Radio Amateurs Adapt Tailgating Hamfest to the COVID-19 Pandemic
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North Carolina Radio Amateurs Adapt Tailgating Hamfest to the COVID-19 Pandemic

With most hamfests canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some radio amateurs in Raleigh, North Carolina, have come up with a way to adapt with…

Come programmare un microcontrollore ARM in Linguaggio Assembly – Parte 1
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Come programmare un microcontrollore ARM in Linguaggio Assembly – Parte 1

Descriviamo in questo articolo l’architettura ARM, ampiamente diffusa tra i sistemi embedded grazie, appunto, alle sue caratteristiche. Architettura RISC a basso consumo elettrico, le cui…

RI0FM Moneron Island. From
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RI0FM Moneron Island. From

RI0FM Team will be active from Moneron Island, IOTA AS – 149, RR-16-01, RDA SL-16, WFF RFF-193, Russia, 15 – 31 July 2021., RI0FM Moneron…

Ham Radio – Icom 705 remote control with a cell phone app!
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Ham Radio – Icom 705 remote control with a cell phone app!

Antenna The Antenna SA-680HP covers 10 through 80 meters January 26, 2015 No comments       The SA-680HP covers 10 through 80 meters  with…