Giorno: 7 Aprile 2021

Reti di sensori wireless come strumento per l’IoT
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Reti di sensori wireless come strumento per l’IoT

Le reti di sensori wireless o Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN) rappresentano il più diffuso esempio di sistema di misura digitale, basti pensare ai moderni smartphone….

Yaesu FTDX-10 Menu and Feature Overview with W9FFF Ham Radio Dude
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Yaesu FTDX-10 Menu and Feature Overview with W9FFF Ham Radio Dude

New from Yaesu, the FTDX-10 HF Transceiver – today I’ve invited Sean, W9FFF, from the Ham Radio Dude channel to go though all of the…

The RSGB is delighted to launch a new Award
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The RSGB is delighted to launch a new Award

Friendship on the Air Award The Friendship on the Air Award is designed to celebrate the friendship of amateur radio over the airwaves. The main…