Giorno: 13 Aprile 2021

ArrowChat up & running sul forum
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ArrowChat up & running sul forum

Ladies and gentlemen, (from los angeles, California.. The Doors!) – ehm no, magari. Stiamo provando arrowchat, in beta test. La chat è visibile solo con…

Verbale riunione C.D.N. del 12 marzo 2021
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Verbale riunione C.D.N. del 12 marzo 2021

Disponibile, in area riservata ai verbali CDN, il Verbale della riunione del 12 marzo 2021 fai click qui per vedere l’articolo completo

Serata a tema Yota Italia
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Serata a tema Yota Italia

Venerdì 23 Aprile 2021 alle ore 21:30, in collaborazione con ARI Radio Club, avremo il piacere di ospitare una bellissima serata a tema condotta dai…

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Cari Dxers, sfruttando la mia amicizia con Paul Ewing N6PSE con il quale ho fatto qualche spedizione in passato ho ottenuto un’intervista relativa ai piani…

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Hello! Thanks to my friendship with Paul Ewing N6PSE, I can offer you this exclusive interview for the readers of Ham Radio Web, on the…

Raspberry Pi senza ventola: si può usare?
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Raspberry Pi senza ventola: si può usare?

Raspberry Pi senza ventola: si può usare? In questo articolo scopriremo assieme in base al modello e alle varie situazioni se una ventola è necessaria…

NEW North East CB SSB Net – 14/04/2021
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NEW North East CB SSB Net – 14/04/2021

  Information from Facebook about a new ‘North East SSB Net’ here in the UK which will take place for the first time on Wednesday…

Three Nets – One Rig!
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Three Nets – One Rig!

Video:YouTube/AlBarst 26TC101 A very interesting video from Allan, 26TC101 from Thursday 8th April where he attempts to chat with the guys on the Mid Wales…

Updated Radio Frequency Exposure Rules Become Effective on May 3
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Updated Radio Frequency Exposure Rules Become Effective on May 3

The FCC has announced that rule changes detailed in a lengthy 2019 Report and Order governing RF exposure standards go into effect on May 3, 2021. The…

Lab599 Discovery TX-500
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Lab599 Discovery TX-500

Today i’m bringing you an update on a very exciting qrp ham radio from Lab599. It’s called the Discovery TX-500. The TX500 is a HF…

RTL-SDR BLOG L-BAND Patch Antenna Version 2 – Inmarsat – Iridium – GPS
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RTL-SDR BLOG L-BAND Patch Antenna Version 2 – Inmarsat – Iridium – GPS

Here we take a look at the brand new L-Band Patch antenna from RTL-SDR Blog. This antenna is designed to work with Inmarsat, Iridium and…

The Malahit DSP portable SDR receive
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The Malahit DSP portable SDR receive

A nifty little portable SDR receiver. I still have lots to explore with it, but here’s an overview. 【Frequency Range】50 kHz~2.0GHz (Registered version 1.10a);【Demodulation Mode】AM,…