Giorno: 26 Aprile 2021

Arrivederci (forse) a Marzaglia di Settembre 2021
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Arrivederci (forse) a Marzaglia di Settembre 2021

I più accorti di voi già lo sapranno ma è saltata anche l’edizione di Maggio di Marzaglia 2021 ( a torto o ragione). Peccato.

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All’Assemblea dell’Associazione WRTC 2022 del 23 aprile 2021, dopo aver consultato in precedenza il Comitato WRTC, l’assemblea e il Comitato Organizzatore hanno deciso di posticipare…

Sunspots April 25th, 2021
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Sunspots April 25th, 2021

Active Regions #2818 and #2820

Xilinx Vivado Design Suite
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Xilinx Vivado Design Suite

In questo articolo per la rubrica Firmware Reload, analiazziamo le caratteristiche principali della suite di sviluppo per FPGA Xilinx. Introduzione La crescente capacità logica dei…

Can a Balun be Too Big?
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Can a Balun be Too Big?

“Oggie Jon McAdams, K3MAH, is getting back into HF and wants to try QRP. Will baluns, coax, etc., rated for higher power cause his small…

An end fed half wave cage antenna. How much wider bandwidth does it provide?
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An end fed half wave cage antenna. How much wider bandwidth does it provide?

Another comparison between a single wire and a cage arrangement. This time on the end fed half wave antenna. Antenna Inflatable Air Antennas Available from…

WRTC 2022 postponed to 2023 !
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WRTC 2022 postponed to 2023 !

At the WRTC 2022 Association Assembly on 23 April 2021, having previously consulted the WRTC Sanctioning Committee, the assembly and Organizing Committee decided to postpone WRTC…

A Peek Inside The New Icom AH-705 Tuner
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A Peek Inside The New Icom AH-705 Tuner

Unboxing the Icom AH-705 Compact Auto Tuner, one screw at a time. Antenna Engineering the Doublet Antenna December 31, 2018 No comments “I made this…

Magic Magnetic Loop – Alex HamPack Magnetic Loop Review
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Magic Magnetic Loop – Alex HamPack Magnetic Loop Review

The new HamPack from Alex Loop looks to be an interesting product. We check it out. Magnetic Loop Antenna 2 Meter & 70 Centimeter Mobile…