Giorno: 30 Aprile 2021

RCC CUP 01/05/2021 DALLE 03,00 ALLE 08,59 UTC (CW/SSB)
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RCC CUP 01/05/2021 DALLE 03,00 ALLE 08,59 UTC (CW/SSB)

Un contest breve per allenarsi prima del nostro ARIDX . E’ un world wide (tutti collegano tutti ), con moltiplicatori ben specificati nel regolamento che…

Raspberry Pi: quale modello comprare per Retropie
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Raspberry Pi: quale modello comprare per Retropie

Vuoi dare vita a un tuo sistema di retro-gaming con Raspberry Pi? Ti starai sicuramente chiedendo quale modello è più opportuno comprare per dargli vita…

MAGNETIC LOOP 40M – 10M Built by 2E0ERO
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MAGNETIC LOOP 40M – 10M Built by 2E0ERO

Here we take a look at the principles of a transmitting magnetic loop and then test a magnetic loop built by 2E0ERO. Antenna New !…

Recent activity on the 23cm band RNSS Coexistence Studies
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Recent activity on the 23cm band RNSS Coexistence Studies

The Chair of IARU Region 1 Spectrum Affairs, Barry Lewis G4SJH, reports on the work being done in defending the interests of the Amateur Services in…

ARRL Awards Colvin Grant to 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition in 2023
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ARRL Awards Colvin Grant to 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition in 2023

ARRL has awarded a Colvin Grant of $5,000 to the Intrepid-DX Group to help in funding its 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island, scheduled for January to February…

How to Hang Ladder Line
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How to Hang Ladder Line

Tim , KJ4ZJ, wants to know if Ladder Line can be hung at an angle without affecting performance. Antenna CrankIR from SteppIR – Portable Ham…