Giorno: 1 Maggio 2021

7V7V Algeria. From
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7V7V Algeria. From

7V7V special event call active from Algeria by members of ARA during special occasions. feeds by

Small Circuits Revival – Parte 5 (Un semplice tester per triac e tiristori)
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Small Circuits Revival – Parte 5 (Un semplice tester per triac e tiristori)

Se non vuoi utilizzare un relè elettromeccanico per accendere e spegnere qualcosa (leggi l’Episodio 3 di questa serie), allora puoi utilizzare un’alternativa a semiconduttore; se…

North American QSO Parties to Recognize Young Contester Entries
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North American QSO Parties to Recognize Young Contester Entries

To encourage young radiosport participants, National Contest Journal (NCJ) will recognize their entries in the North American QSO Party (NAQP), starting with the August 2021 NAQP CW…

RF Explorer EMF Licence Demo
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RF Explorer EMF Licence Demo

This week Gary gives us an overview of the new RF Explorer Field Strength EMF Licence Add-On. We also demonstrate the RF Explorer WSUB1G+ Spectrum…