Giorno: 4 Maggio 2021

La coesistenza tra V2X e Wi-Fi nell’automotive
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La coesistenza tra V2X e Wi-Fi nell’automotive

Wi-Fi e 5G sono riconosciute come tecnologie abilitanti per i veicoli autonomi. La sfida sta nel modo in cui queste tecnologie operano insieme e coesistono,…

Video 9J2LA Zambia. From
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Video 9J2LA Zambia. From

Video 9J2LA Zambia DX Pedition. Press Release “The 9J2LA Story – Zambia 2020”, Video 9J2LA Zambia. From, ,

RadioRivista sfogliabile (ma solo ai Soci)
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RadioRivista sfogliabile (ma solo ai Soci)

Cari Soci, come promesso anche per questo mese RadioRivista si presenta a Voi con una marcia in più: la versione digitale da sfogliare on-line nell’area…

Review of Bilal Isotron 20m Single Band Antenna
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Review of Bilal Isotron 20m Single Band Antenna

More than one Oggie has suggested I review the Bilal Isotron 20m Single Band Antenna Solve Virtually Any Restricted Space Problem – 40 Meter Isotron only 22…

Goodbye Trio of Sunspots Hello Fast Solar Wind | Solar Storm Forecast 05.02.2021
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Goodbye Trio of Sunspots Hello Fast Solar Wind | Solar Storm Forecast 05.02.2021

Goodbye Trio of Sunspots Hello Fast Solar Wind | Solar Storm Forecast 05.02.2021 Antenna How to make a 4:1 balun cheap and easy January 14,…

Bouvet Island Dxpedition – 3Y0J
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Bouvet Island Dxpedition – 3Y0J

Bouvet Island DxpeditionBouvet is like the Mount Everest of DXCC entities. It is among the most challenging entities to activate due to significant transportation costs…