Giorno: 15 Maggio 2021

Gestione intelligente della batteria e della ricarica per veicoli elettrici
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Gestione intelligente della batteria e della ricarica per veicoli elettrici

Con l’aumento di popolarità del movimento ecologico, sempre più veicoli elettrici (EV), dagli scooter alle auto, agli autobus e ai camion, affolleranno le strade. I…

Wooden Satellite to Launch by Year’s End
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Wooden Satellite to Launch by Year’s End

The WISA Woodsat project, being sponsored by plywood supplier WISA in an unconventional PR initiative, is poised to place a wooden satellite into orbit by…

AlexLoop HamPack
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AlexLoop HamPack

This is the AlexLoop HamPack system – the ultimate solution for the hampacker and the antenna restricted Ham. Antenna HF PORTABLE – CHOOSING THE RIGHT…

Wimo X-Quad Antenna for 144 MHz 18010
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Wimo X-Quad Antenna for 144 MHz 18010

The X-Quad antenna is a refinement of the well-known multi-element quads. Its special features, especially developed for amateur radio, are Switchable polarization plane (horizontal/vertical/circular right/circular…

NCDXF HF beacon monitoring station DL8LAS
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NCDXF HF beacon monitoring station DL8LAS

Location: JO54EF , Trent, Germany,   54°20′ N   10°36′ E RX: IC-7851 ANT: 7m   vertical  omnidirectional    homemade Example: See Updates and more : Antenna…