Giorno: 18 Giugno 2021

Cos’è l’Internet of Musical Things
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Cos’è l’Internet of Musical Things

L’Internet of Musical Things è un campo di ricerca emergente che studia i dispositivi IoT dedicati all’esecuzione di performance musicali e che possono permettere un…

J20EE Djibouti. From
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J20EE Djibouti. From

Jeje, F8FKJ will be active as J20EE from Djibouti, during June – July 2021., J20EE Djibouti. From, ,

FX700 Vector Network Analyzer
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FX700 Vector Network Analyzer

Metropwr FX700 is a vector network analyzer 0.1/700 MHz used to measure all the parameters of an antenna. It has a large 4.3 “touch screen display…

Can RG8X Really Handle 1500 Watts?
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Can RG8X Really Handle 1500 Watts?

Using a linear amplifier Jim W6LG tests a 100 foot length of RG8X to see if it can handle 1500 watts by measuring the temperature…

The 62nd ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST – 2021
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The 62nd ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST – 2021

Operation in All Asian DX Contest (CW)  All Asian DX Contest (CW) will be held according to the current rules.  However, the Novel Coronal Virus…