Giorno: 26 Giugno 2021

Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 3
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Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 3

Il precedente articolo “Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 2” è stato orientato alla trattazione della scheda di…

Safety for ARRL ham radio Field Day 2021
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Safety for ARRL ham radio Field Day 2021

“Today we talk about Field Day safety, going through the ARRL field day safety checklist” Antenna Easily Check Your Antennas Tuning – VNA N1201SA /…

In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators [ VIDEO ]
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In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators [ VIDEO ]

In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators Antenna QST Announces 2017 Antenna Design Competition Winners September 13, 2017 No comments QST has announced the winners of its…

Setup & Tune Shark Ham Sticks on The Chameleon Spider and Quad Dipole Ham Radio Antenna
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Setup & Tune Shark Ham Sticks on The Chameleon Spider and Quad Dipole Ham Radio Antenna

Pairing the Chameleon Spider or Quad with Shark Ham Sticks is a great way to get a simple multiple band antenna on the air Antenna…